Mce - Gone Into Administration

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by bradders, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. I agree with you there, i have no plans for it to be used but i want the parts that were undamaged, ive read that you can buy it back, i would have to notify the dvla of it not being allowed back on the road and then destroying the frame.

    just found this as well
    Category B Write-off Car Insurance | Adrian Flux Insurance
  2. Afaik (unless it’s changed) they will never sell you back something like that and I’m pretty sure law doesn’t allow it. The bike it theirs once they pay you so no legal right over it. It can be less hassle for them and they can get more back sometimes that flogging thru disposal houses which is why they let people but them back
  3. Haven't had payment or agreed final sum yet, so I'm guessing still legally mine(bike is at my residence).
  4. Yes. But if you don’t accept payment I’m sure they won’t mind ;)
  5. Haha I was thinking more along the lines of swapping out the bits I want. Before it get torn apart.
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  6. JFDI quick.
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  7. These crooks are still taking new policies through compare the market.
  8. They are a broker now. This is different business. But agree with the sentiment: how on earth can anyone justify buying from them now??!!
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  9. Ha i didnt go that far but they were certainly told where to go when they approached me at Brands a few times.
  10. Sadly the UK is littered with companies like MCE quick to take your £££ impossible to get anything out of (or dare i even say speak to) thereafter.

    See also that tory cunt Bransons shit bag media company V**g*n.
  11. I think MCE (brokers) will loose quite a bit of business heart pumps etc ....

    I notice another e mail today offering to set up new insurance for us ... also a quote button to select ......shame they didn't do this a few days ago. Looks like poor management to me as many will have fled to other brokers .....they should have done this days ago .......oh dear how sad never mind.

    I ended up with Devitt .... they have been very busy hoovering up old MCE business.
  12. Fuck 'em
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  13. I got the same email, it went straight into the junk file. There is no way I'm giving my business to those crooks. I don't need to insure my new Multistrada until March 1st so have time to look around but it will either be Bennetts, Ducati, Devitt or Bemoto
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  14. They have with me too. £150 cheaper (content that 138 to 288) difference to next cheapest plus it’s free everything. Still won’t put my money there.

    MCE Insurance Company, which was one of the UK's biggest motorbike insurers, is to cancel all of its 105,000 remaining policies after falling into administration last year. The moves comes despite the insurer initially promising to honour existing cover.

    For policies taken out prior to 9 November 2021, the shake-up means:

    • Car or van insurance cover will end at midnight on 14 January 2022.
    • Cover for motorbike or scooter insurance will end at midnight on 31 January 2022.
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  16. But great broadband, faster and more reliable than any other and at £18 a month must be worth having.

    "Dick" would perhaps be an apt name for him, but lady garden is right on the money!
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  17. I hope the directors of the company are held personally responsible and their property confiscated against debt.
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  18. Alas they won’t be. Real arms length Gib insurance co rules stuff. It’s one of the reasons many, and gambling co’s are based out of Gib: tax and regulation ‘advantages’
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Depends if you got stung by the first incarnation, people will make their own minds up based on their needs or wants.

    They’ve been for me the cheapest option on every policy I’ve taken out on multiple bikes, I could insure 4 bikes individually with MCE cheaper than a multi bike policy from anyone else.
  20. this is the boat I’m currently in, I’m getting quotes for diavels at the moment, mce is the lowest by a big margin. If I was to get a gen 2 the difference is almost 500 pounds between mce and the next insurer(Ducati insurance) that offer no breakdown etc in the price, looking to get another gen 1 now, with the lower value as I have more choice around the same price.

    im shocked at prices though, when I had my gen 1 a few years ago I payed sub 400(same as my 1199) bike was worth 10 at the time, more than the gen 2s I looked at this past week, quotes coming out at double.
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