i have a 100% record when it comes to fighting... ive never won one.. so ya pretty safe.. reckon i'd still take xig though....
With a low head butt shorty? :Shifty: ..... :Smuggrin: you're going down, or you could copy and go for the draw - your only 2 options
my signature move is the shin kick to start. dropped a couple of boxers with it.. their owner were not too impressed (those dogs cost a few bob) copy you? i may be short but even i couldnt stoop to your depths! i think i'll be ok.. fancy a side bet?
my signature move is the shin kick to start. dropped a couple of boxers with it.. their owner were not too impressed (those dogs cost a few bob) copy you? i may be short but even i couldnt stoop to your depths! i think i'll be ok.. fancy a side bet?
I like your fake team, interesting when you change it at the last minute we can have £10 on it, me and you - don't tell the mods - it's not a registered gambling site you know :Wideyed:
just gotta remember to change it!!!! last year the ex nearly beat me coz i kept forgetting to swap out a few non performers (lowes in moto 2 being one of em.. dam shame i had high hopes for him) think my current team is a lil gp heavy by all accounts..
Banter ahoy. There is a message board on the table. But PLEASE no tits no nationalist shit no religeon just all bike racing please Or I'll remove teams. Simple
sorry, do you mean on the mcn site table? as in no banter here save it for there? didnt get what you mean by banter ahoy.. (understand and agree on the no tits and so on)
On the mcn private league page, there is a message board at the bottom. Banter wherever you like fella, I ain't ye mum and make it tots and fanny on here if you like