it makes me h o r n y... djeezes .... great effort! i'll be back! great to read the story on your bike ... but did you buy the F07 now? or is it still brewing? grtz and congrats Koen
take what you need Rob, but with attribution! I'd love to have just blogged here, but in common with a few here, I lost a lot when Ducatisti went. Made me wary of something I don't control if you know what I mean.
Everything I type up for my website (link at the bottom), I've got digital microsoft word copies. If the site goes down, it will be dead easy to get something up and running again Just an idea
Andy, it's difficult to meet people, take photographs and remember all this stuff, particularly when it's in Italian. I'd rather put something out there that's not 100% than nothing.
Just sat and read this from the start. Awesome, loved it! There's some right bike porn in there! Matt