Okay im back...sort of. Will be up to full speed later today and back on the banning band wagon by tomorrow. Hope everything has gone okay in my absence. Its still here, so thats a start I guess
Well Im bloody well off again. So from Monday morning, all enquires regarding the forum will need to go through @Rob. Im back in Blighty on the 23rd with @Pete1950 so i'll do my best to respond to any enquires from Thursday 24th. @El Toro isnt in charge just yet, just in case you need to raise an issue about the forum. :Angelic: Oh and keep downvoting those bloody pesky spammers :Banhappy:. I will speak to @Rob when I get back and see if there is a way we can set up a manual confirmation system for new members. In the meantime, thanks for your patience. For those heading to WDW, hope to see you there
Nice thread resurrection- thought we had closed this thread to prevent any further casual time off for the workers...... Have a good un
Well it seems Im taking all my yearly holiday in a very short period of time because I will be away for another two weeks from 16th/17th August. Unlike last time, I have sourced a replacement to cover my absence. Some of you will have already noticed, but @El Toro has been kind enough to step up to the plate and moderate in my absence. Im still around for the next two weeks as @El Toro learns the ropes (lets be honest - its a pretty easy gig), but I trust him and feel he'll be excellent in the role. I hope you'll all support him as much you would me If you have any questions, drop me a line I'll be happy to help