Medical Advice ...seriously

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Love the outfit.
    Seriously the only insemination was by a guy with a long needle and liquid nitrogen. What a job.
    There every day at 10am. What stamina.
  2. rather you than me dude. i had n ambulance called, been really ill with the same symptoms for about two days, i ended up collapsing in the kitchen ambulance came the very second the paramedics turned up i felt 100%, felt like a right tube they took me in anyway, diagnosed with the gastro enteritis. horrible.
  3. My daughter had gastroenteritis a couple of years back
    She was poorly for a week she looked grey/green and just slept
    I bleached everywhere she went to prevent the rest of us getting it
    Poor girl sat on toilet with bucket to be sick in
    It was awful when she threw up it came out the other end and it all smells rancid
  4. Love the outfit.
    Seriously the only insemination was by a guy with a long needle and liquid nitrogen. What a job.
    There every day at 10am. What stamina.
  5. pure devotion, and for the love of it,;):smile:
  6. No she wants to kiss me, she says she feels terrible but thinks she might feel better if I kiss her.

    What she really means is that she will feel better if she knows I am going to get it:Finger:
  7. Ok - Ex-Norovirus suffers (and other gastroenteritis aliments) I've got a question.
    My pain has largely disappeared and I have more warning of up coming bathroom visits (1-2 minutes as opposed to 3-4 seconds). Although weak as a kitten and feeling slightly drunk...not in a good way I'm up and about.

    At what point will my body start digesting food again?

    It seems that I'm the human body equivalent of a Harley Davidson (turns petrol into noise...I can only do 1/2 of that).
    I turn "food" into "liquidised food" and sound on a timetable that a Japanese train driver would be proud of on a good day. Clearly no chemical Guinness drinkers know what I mean.

    I remember something from School that we have good and bad bacteria in us, but we need the good stuff to live....I think mine have all left for the time being.
  8. middle of January maybe.:smile: when i came out of the hospital after that last bout, i headed over to macdonalds on the other side of the road. best burger i ever had.
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  9. Just dry toast or biscuit till you no that it won't come out either end
    Mashed potato or plain rice is a good next step then chicken soup then go from there
    You don't want milk products as that will feed the bacteria you have
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Try necking a raw egg to bung yourself up. It works with leaky radiators.
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  11. Ewwwww
  12. people you have got to goggle but plug. i cant post what i found. quite a lot of variety.
  13. something stronger, i believe he is a big lad
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  14. Unlucky! They switched to a low residue diet for 24hours for intravenous pyelography 2 decades ago, unless they were just being cruel. That examination is only done when CT is down or dealing with a majax these days.
  15. Sorry, got that wrong. Engine flush, then egg.
  16. Well it was 30 years ago.
  17. Which engine flush?
    Will Wynns radiator sealer do instead of eggs?
    ....I'm off eggs at present.
  18. I saw a film with this in it not so long ago....some drug dealer ended his days this way after he raped a SAS mans mum and killed his dad over a botched good film.
  19. I do remember trying this as a diet....still felt hungry after one, so had another....nearly died...a bit like the cement comment above.
    #60 AirCon, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
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