So eventually the good bacteria comes back on it's own and my 30' tract slows down from brisk walking pace to 400mm an hour? My large intestine will eventually decide to come off strike and return to work. Any doctors out there? I assume the body decides that we don't want any of that water back in the system, so it can stay in the food...turn off Colon.
I always said if I can't sort out the bathroom's turn to turn off the switch....must find that living will!! I think the missus is looking for the cartridges for the 12 bore.
This is what you need: If you need a donor, get in touch.
When men were men and patients were secondary to imaging excellence. I was knee high to a kipper and knew nowt.... 3 decades later and I now know what a kipper is and know more than I'd like to about healthcare. Which is why I drink lots of beer and try not to worry about it. How's the symptoms? Ready for the hooker and drugs yet? That'll be a sure sign you're healed!!!!
Coke is good when recovering from a tummy bug. The caffeine and sugar give you a boost and don't feed the bug as food would.