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Meeting your heroes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. fixd a car belonging to a good mate of mr c in Aberdeen a stunning girl charging fault on a clio if i remember. almost asked her out but bottled it.
  2. My brother said he looked a lot fatter in real life...

    David Bowie. Now there's a complete twat.
  3. Barry Sheene at end of 1973, him 2 years older than me but already a racing god giving Ago a hard time on a 500cc Seeley Suzuki at Race of Year at Mallory Park, me 21 and an impoverished club racer on a 350cc Bultaco TSS who'd had a good season, 40 starts, 19 second places, 7 crashes and only 3 broken bones. He asked what my lap times were at Brands short circuit - I told him my best time 58.4 secs. He had a 350 TSS in the 1971 season and started saying his lap times were 56.1 which in 1973 was still the 500cc lap record held by Derek Minter and the 350cc lap record was 58.2 to a 7R Seeley. I knew he had to be telling porkies and my respect for him evaporated although I still supported him later when he came up against Roberts etc

    in 1973 at show
  4. Sooty. An absolute w*nker.
    Sweep. Very nice bloke. Awesome sense of humour.
    Sue. Don't really know. Didn't have the bottle to talk to her. Way out of my league.
    • Like Like x 6
  5. If you live long enough you meet all sorts of people - and I've lived quite a long time...
  6. Oh yes, that reminds me...

    I once met Gus Honeybun - absolute LEGEND !

  7. Matthew Corbett used to drink in my local. Til we took the piss once too often...
  8. I got mistaken for mathew corbett once outside the Albert Hall, got me a free hot dog tho, happy days.
  9. I'd like to meet that Welsh bint from the one show so that I can punch her in the nose and tell her to feck off. God she annoys me. I have no idea why. She just does.
  10. I didn't really take to Matthew, nor his Dad Harry H ... they were both right up Sooty's arse.
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  11. The One Show....!


  12. 3287060228_simpsons_hmed_4p.hmedium.jpg

  13. Mid 60's on the Isle of Man ferry I interrupted Mike Hailwood in the bar for an autograph, he was very nice. I was only about 16 so he was a god.
    (still got the autograph if any rich person wants it)
  14. Farkin funny that....:biggrin:....cheers!
  15. Apologies for the thread hijack: as you raced around the same time,do you remember a guy called John Judge? He used to race a couple of 500 Triumphs,(both recently sold on ebay),and a 500 Kawa triple proddie racer.
    Reason I ask is that I now own that very bike,(the Kwaka),and although I do have a few pics of it in action back in those days,I'd like to obtain more,and more history of when/where it was raced/finished etc
  16. H1r??? Wow
  17. I cant tell you as Mohamed ali once told me never to name drop.

    but met I met randy mamola in bologna airport on way home from misano and moto gp, he was great and talked bikes , racing ,moto gp , rossi , ducati etc for about half an hour . after photos etc I turned and said see you later kevin ........he thought I was serious lol.

    edit to add
    he then realised I was winding and laughed his hair off....100% nice bloke

    I saw a photo awaiting framing of him riding the ducati demo gp bike with garry cowan cable tied onto the rear foot pegs.
    #37 idrinkbeer, Nov 26, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
  18. I had breakfast with Mamola in a posh hotel in Chemnitz. 'Nother nice bloke:upyeah:
  19. ditto....

    ive worked with a few 'names' down the years, the most arrogant of whom was a very famous irish guitarist...an utterly horrible person in my experience...no wonder he got glassed. I also worked in TV on and off for about 10 years and experienced the same, lots of disappointing people and only a few nice ones....however a very nice person i worked for was Ronan Keating..just a normal bloke, as was Nicko McBrain from Iron Maiden..and beleive it or not, a person who seemed very genuine was Dale Winton!

    A friend of mine is a very successful music producer, and through him ive met some very famous people...personally, i dont get star struck..i think its because i dont buy into all the bullshit..most people who are famous are there due to luck not ability...sport is probably the most equitable discipline, certainly not the arts. However, there are one of two people whom ive met that are not famous outside of a very small circle, and these are the people that i admire greatly.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Guessing it wasn't the BBC you worked for?
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