Your showing your age :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:. My first Ducati shop was TT motorcycles in Sunderland. Long gone thank God
I remember Carnells as a small shop in Doncaster town center, around 75/76, before they 'expanded' to become the megga rip-off empire they ended up as. It was the first time i had seen Ducati & MV augusta, as they had them in the front window, A 350s & 750 America MV, and the Darmah 900's in blue/silver, or red/gold. They also had Guzzi's as well. even then they were always in the local press, having been prosecuted for fiddling HP deals selling local 16 yr old's mopeds on the never never. I think i recall that the MV 350 was the same price back then as a Honda 750 four.
I used to like Frontiers in Wimbledon, great service from Vigen, Jerry and Andy. Totally unlike John Taylor and HT Automotive.