Cheers and merry Christmas to all the mods and members here, hope you all have a good one (even the miserable sods who may likely start a "bollocks to this over-commercialised nonsense" thread).
Have a good'n everyone. Remember the sooner you go to bed tonight, the sooner it will be....Spring...
All the best to everyone, signing off now as going away 'til after Boxing day hope you all have a good one.
What about those still using an Atari from about 1978......? Fancy a game of tennis? Plip plip, plip.....
Merry Christmas to you all and thoughts with those who can't be with us Love from all at the ducbirds residence
Thanks for all the hard work to keep the forum going. Wishing you all a great xmas ... Hope to put few faces to names next year.
Health and a'penis (as the French say) Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas and a year of trouble free riding in 2014. May all your traffic lights be green.