Happy Christmas everyone! Big thanks to the guys who keep this forum going! Here's hoping 2014 is a great year for you all and that we can organise a get together somewhere and deafen the local population!
Festive Greetings chumps , hope your not affected by water all the best for the new year. Regards PJ.
Happy Christmas all. Hope everyone survives 2 days of crap TV and excess food and drink. Cheers, Keith and Evangeline.
Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings to all on the forum, and the mods who herd the Ducati forum cats and try to keep the show on the road. Wishing everyone health, happiness and pothole-free traffic-free roads and good riding weather for the year ahead.
A very merry Xmas to one and all. I hope Santa was kind to you all...... Here's to a great year ahead hopefully filled with sunshine, clear roads, good tracks and epic adventures. (and hopefully less rain, fewer punctures and less police!)