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Michael Bonney (Gizmo) - My fundraiser

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freak, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. You know it makes sense, Funky. Along with the pile cream for me auld wrinkles (not on the nut sack of course, need something a bit more to get rid of the corduroy creases down there).

    Anyway, hope the thread keeps getting bumped up to help with visibility.
  2. Didn't post up last night's photo as I was at a concert, a band Michael loves so it was kind of fitting...


    And today's photo - Day 16


    Don't forget you can still donate to this fundraiser for Michael, don't be shy!!

    Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo

    Total so far £805.00
  3. bit of grey in there, dye it pink and i will donate 20
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  4. Bit of ginger too (the shame).

    Another tenner in the pot, thanks John
  5. So no change today still stuck on £815, I'd really like to push this to £1000 and with 12 days to go it cannot be that hard.

    Please donate at Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo

    So today's photo is errr interesting to say the least....... Enjoy!

  6. Jeeezzzusssss. WTF is that?? :tongue:

    Finally got around to sharing it on my facebook etc :upyeah:
  7. Thanks Matt for the donation!
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  8. Wish I was able to give more, but it does look like you're making a fair amount just for not shaving :upyeah:
  9. So day 20 is upon me and so far I've managed to raise £910 which is amazing I thought I'd struggle for £500 if I'm honest, but I'm so close to £1000 now and 10 days to go it must be achievable surely???

    So today's photo, I know words fail me too, but if it'll raise some money I don't care... I'm not quite at the mankini yet luckily!!

    As ever to donate please click the link - http://igg.me/at/mo4michael

    And thanks to everyone who has contributed so far.
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  10. So day 23, been a bit quiet sorry, you'll be glad to know I've now hit a £1000 bloody amazing, but there's 7 days to go so I'm going to keep this itchy untidy monstrosity for a few more days.

    Please donate at Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo
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  11. Only a slight bump to £1010 but every penny counts as they say, and only 5 days to go... I'll probably be off-line until Friday as I am out of the country but I'll take some photos when I'm away.

    Today's photo from the NEC

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  12. You're doing really well :upyeah:
  13. Not long left, how itchy is it?

    dyed it pink yet for those extra £20s?
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  14. Wow, yeah only a few days to go :upyeah:
  15. No dying it pink that's for sure... but it is the last day...

    The good news is I've somehow managed to raise £1165 which is amazing, thanks to all of you who have donated Michael and Linzi will undoubtedly benefit from your generosity, as it's the last day I'm going to take some requests (within reason) and for a donation also.

    They'll be some pictures later to follow.

    Please donate at Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo

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  16. good on ya tryd to donate with card but not happening. will get the wife to do it with paypal the night.:upyeah:
  17. That's it I'm done!!! 30 days of an itchy face but it's all for a good cause, still no change from earlier and I'm stuck at £1165 can you lot get this over the £1200 mark? If you remember I promised that I would double whatever you raise so come on.

    Please donate at Mo 4 Michael | Indiegogo

    Finally some snaps today hopefully these have brought you some enjoyment, thanks a millions guys and girls.


    Bit cheeky...

    Finally... Merry Christmas[​IMG]
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  18. A massive well done :upyeah:
  19. Just to update you, Movember is all done and some last minute donations from Ranald and Samieb saw the total reach £1250, I'd said from the beginning that whatever I raise in Movember I would double so I've raised £2500 for Michael, bloody amazing.

    The site will still accept donations until the middle of December so if any of you see this thread, laugh at the photos and want to donate please do any contribution will make its way to Michael.


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