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Misano 2015 **spoiler**

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Air Duck, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Rossi The Relentless?

    9 vote(s)
  2. Marquez The Marauder?

    5 vote(s)
  3. Lorenzo The Laser?

    4 vote(s)
  4. Your Gran?

    1 vote(s)
  1. Redding showed the kind of determination that we used to see in moto2 when he was winning. Have you seen Reddings missus? Fit as you like. He's certainly not got a bad life and I rate the fella. Smith also rode an accidentally ballsy race. When most people miss the pit signs and bugger it all up, would have seen people catching you on wets and given up.

    I could not believe Rossi didn't pit. WTF! I thought he took the lead purely to be in front to pit that lap. He got lucky that JLo binned it. Very lucky. How's his wrist? Championship worrying injury or all good?
  2. He has had the all clear, no wrist injury according to his Twitter account. Good for the championship battle but no good for my nerves watching it.
  3. Yeah got once a mis calc by team Rossi
  4. was screaming at the tv for him to pit before he passed loz. could not work that one out.. but then we have the luxury of the tv and seeing smiths times tumble as the track dried, did his team not tell him or did he ignore it? loz crashing was luck on rossi's part but at least loz cant blame anyone (or visor) for this one!
    and yes redding's missus (like most international sports men's) is cute... go figure:)
  5. I didn't realise where my seat was till I got there. Didn't think I was going to see much. I wonder what they will do when he retires. They are bloody fanatical
  6. Photo didn't attach

  7. yea i gotta go there before he does!!! sad init? but next year for sure...(i hope!)
  8. ha ha,, jeez, they as well they are not there for their linguistis skills !! OMG,, glad i am not english !!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. I thought Redding sounded like a foreigner speaking English. He was missing out words like 'in', 'and' & so.

    "I come for wet tyre, I go back out"
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Very Cal ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Excellent ride from Redding. Unlike Smith he actually made 2 stops as per the rest of the field and crashed so I think there was a bit more than just luck to get that result. He was also in a 4/5 way battle for 4th in the dry before his off too so I think he had pretty decent pace even before the rain.
    Bit of a gamble paying off for Smith to get 2nd place but also took great riding and nerves to stay out in the wet.
    Cannot believe how long Rossi and Loz stayed out on wets it was just ridiculous, their tyres were actually falling to bits and the bikes were getting all out of shape everywhere. Riders of their calibre/experience should have known much better and even if they weren't sure they should have trusted their pit boards. I would have at least expected Lorenzo to gamble on coming in earlier as his only shot at passing Rossi as it was obvious he couldn't keep the pace with the wets on anyway.
    Very entertaining race though and another factor making it a great season as a spectator.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  12. Yeah I think it's a kinda I is black innit way of talking or something.

    They call it 'street' or summat?
  13. Oh shut up, you don't no nuffink so what you chattin bout.
  14. Just noticed your new pic air duck. Love it [emoji106]
  16. Yeah so it's been a busy as day eh, and fitting in the latter of Moto3 and all of MotoGP and even having the delightful, knowledge, and extremely talented Mr Final Edition popping in to steal yet more coffee it's been a busy day all round so this is a bit late but is my take on what's got to be the craziest MotoGP race I can remember without thinking harder than I'm able.

    WHAT a crazy race!

    I'm with the earlier poster that said he was shouting at the screen telling Vale to change back to slicks for way too long. Wtf!?

    Rossi knew full well the only bloke (OMG MotoGP is SO sexist sister) he had to finish in front of was JLo.

    If he could induce JLo into a big mistake then so much the better. Rossi has always been THE GOAT at that particular game.

    So he kept trying to get Vishnu err Jorge to keep up whilst latterly checking on him.

    Scheming bastard. Love him to bits.

    A bigger gap would have helped too but it didn't really happen despite Vale seeming to try.

    I know Vale was 'only' racing Lorenzo but I still don't understand why either of them didn't pit earlier in the hope of finishing higher up the results board.

    When they were both running on the completely destroyed wets neither could forsee Jorge's impending doom. It makes no sense to my small brain.

    IMO Rossi took a gamble that I don't understand and only bad judgement (possibly) by Lorenzo saved his ass. I think they call it lucky or summat.

    Given that there were higher points at stake and no one would predict JLo's demise it would seem a bit dumb.

    Really couldn't see MM winning it. He talked a load of bluff in the interview but really he was just a bit lucky too. Don't think he could have won in the dry or wet today personally.

    Amazing composure by BS, totally impressed with him keeping his shit together in such changing conditions. Nobs like us fall off with a bit of diesel, riding a MotoGP bike on slicks, lap after lap, in the wet is something I don't know how to imagine.

    Did you see Rossi's front tyre?? WTF!!!??? I don't feel I can use decent rubber when there's more than 50% legal tread left as they're generally completely crap by then but jeez!!!! Rossi's front must have had the profile of a friggin hedgehog.

    How much skill is that?

    And I bet none of us could do that pace on the same bike in the dry in absolutely perfect conditions even if we'd spent days there. What a show! Musta felt like trying to race a badly loaded wheelbarrow or summat.

    JLo - jeez, he won't be happy tonight eh? Less points difference than a Rossi DNF but hey, he's gonna be a bit concerned now eh...

    After the race Rossi looked like he'd fallen in shit and found a tenner. No surprise there eh.

    Bradley - bloody deserved that. Staying on with slicks is a feat let alone maintaing focus and purpose enough to capitalise if when the time came. Bloody well done Mr Smith and that's not just because I'm a Brit too - total class today and @bradders you need to eat your hat or some pie mate, come on, you can do it!

    Redding? When was the last time a MotoGP crasher finished on the podium? And he stopped for tyres. Un something believable... Scott Redding take a bow - grit and determination to the end.

    I'm a Vale fan but it's unfortunate JLo crashed as there seemed even more racing/chasing may happen and the championship is now slightly less tense, whilst still feel great relief for the slightly bigger breathing space Vale has found drop in his lap.

    Only the crazy would have predicted Bradley for a possible podium today eh?

    What an exciting if unexpected race today and what a season we have witnessed, fan bloody tastic.

    I love that I love this sport/art.

    Screenshot summary to follow.

    Jeez I need to get some friends instead of typing this shit into the internet.
    #236 Air Duck, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Pictorial summary for those that can't read and don't have a telly:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    #237 Air Duck, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    • Funny Funny x 6
  18. nice work air:upyeah::upyeah::D
  19. I shan't be adding sauce to my sou'wester just yet ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  20. bradders smithy what a amazing ballsy ride ...
    • Agree Agree x 1
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