misheard and misquoted lyics

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Elton John:

    'Dont let your son go down on me.'
  2. At the time of Wuthering Heights there was the famous proverb that:-

    "One in Kate Bush is worth two in the hand".

    Although I may have misheard or may even be misquoting there.....
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  3. New artists are promoting themselves on-line, via YouTube or bespoke websites and such. I've picked up the odd gem that way. What little radio I do listen to now is a local station that plays music exclusively from the 60's to the 80's, mostly classic rock and such.
    The decent and unusual new music is out there, it just isn't on the radio any more.

    /back to topic

    "Oh your red scarf matches your eyes
    You closed your cover before striking
    Father had the shitkicker blues
    Loving you has made me bananas"
  4. Billy Ocean :- "go and get stuffed"
  5. queen bohemian rhapsody - beelzeebub has a devil for a sideboard

    tina turner - whats a glove got to do with it
  6. Robert Palmer-Addicted To Love - Might as well face it, you're a dick with a glove
  7. We used to sing this one in the pub (but then "we" were idiots back then) ...

    "When two tribes go to War
    One and one and two make four ..."

    And another true story:

    Years ago I was explaining to an ex about "that Tom Jones song" I had heard part of on the radio; I was saying that the song made no sense.

    "Which song?", she says.
    "You know - 'Snack Bar , Snack Bar, you're my Snack Bar ...'"

    She almost literally shat and pissed herself. Boy was my face red afterwards.
  8. I do like Paloma Faith - she's a little skewed
  9. I got the point of Kate Bush, although it did seem that every successive album was less interesting than the last. But The Kick Inside was for many years (and probably still is) one of my favourite albums. I saw her only tour (had very good stalls seats at Oxford New Theatre).

    I'm not sure that your take on music is totally justified. When the Beeb put on old TOTP shows, you see just how shite most of what was bought by the general public was. It is mainly stomach-churningly poor, especially the Number Ones. There have always been nuggets of brilliance buried amongst the dross. But it is perhaps true that as the history of rock has unfolded, there is more and more repetition. The Stones were only ripping off old bluesmen. 40 years on, everyone is ripping off everyone else. It's perhaps increasingly hard to be original - most of it has been done before.

    Bohemian Rhapsody was, of course, incredibly annoying after about 10 weeks as Number One. Queen only really became hip years later.
  10. Most people heard Shabba Ranks' "Mister Lover Man, Shabba"

    My babel fish always translated it as "Mister Rubber Man, Shagger"
  11. Oh grunt thuggerly buggerly, thy mutations are to thine as a lurgid bee .... ode to a small lump of green putty I found in my armpit one mid-summers morn :upyeah:
  12. Ah yes, the poetic meter of the Vogons. Nice.

    I did not dare evoke the dreaded Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings.
  13. Indeed no, certainly a tasty morsel for the ravenous bugblatter beast of troll.

    Blimey, was it that long ago!! Best forgotten!¬
  14. I have recently re-read Adams. He was certainly unique. I think best remembered is more appropriate!!!
  15. Unique yes, not sure about re-reading them tho - maybe - sad loss certainly
  16. Do any of you recall "double helix" albums, where there were two spiral grooves on one side?

    I can recall one or two...

    Monty Python ; Matching Tie and Handkerchief.
    Genesis ; Pigeons EP.
    John Cooper Clark ; Splat/Twat.

    any others folks...?
  17. Must dig out my old Best Of ZZ Top far eastern tape which someone gave me.

    The lyrics as printed are a hoot.
  18. Thought I was going mad, the first time I played that Monty Python Matching Tie LP. Listened to Side 1, then Side 2, then wanted Side 1 again.
    "I don't remember any of these sketches!", I exclaimed to my sister. Hilarious :biggrin:
  19. luis&pm
  20. Me too. A little eccentricity sometimes makes an artist more interesting. Plus, she is a great singer and has a lovely smile. Does it for me!
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