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misheard and misquoted lyics

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Six mins, you signed off for six minutes :biggrin:
  2. when you say you saw the show from the stalls im assuming the toilet cubicles?

    most pop of any decade is utter shite, surely that goes without saying? a quick listen to 'sounds of the sixties' on radio 2 will confirm this in a nano second...my point was that beneath the generic slime that passes for music (or film for that matter), the consistently outstanding recordings were done back in the analogue days, the majority of which was recorded between the mid 60's to the late 70's...
    think of how fast popular music styles advanced in those years, and how the album (thanks to the LP) became a cohesive statement...from 1969 to 1976 rock went from Zepplin, Floyd, the prog rock movement, metal and ended up with punk..in just 7 short years..listen to paranoid or purple haze and then Van Halen 1, 1970 to 1978..the development was monumental...we had new wave, new romantics, glam etc etc in just a few years..R&B took a similar turn from the 3 minute 45rpm singles to works like 'whats going on' and 'off the wall', never mind the whole funk, disco, reggae and soul revolutions that occurred at the the time..songs created by real people..even the most banal of disco had real orchestras..and like much music was eventualy destroyed by the big labels making acts like blondie and the stones do meaningless disco-pop chunder....
    Never use number ones as a yardstick of quality..you might as well use macdonalds as the comparison for fine dining...there were too many great artists, session guys, producers, stage shows, albums, album art and musical genres that defined not only a style of music but a lifestyle to be called a few nuggets.
    ignoring the shite, the weight of creativity during this period compared to later periods is overwhelming...week in, week out there were new revolutionary works being released across all genres, this simply does not happen anymore..there may be a few a year and even these have fallen foul of digital over production and musical and lyric irrelevance...
    popular music has become so formulated that it is like painting by numbers..rock, which used to be an area for great songwriting, live performance and musicianship has actually gone backwards never mind stagnated...
    i dont think that its all been done before, they were saying that before the beatles, the rest is history...theres always a new way, it just seems that no one has the imagination to break out of the box, mostly because kids are unaware of what happened even 10 years ago....weve been in a serious lull for about 20 years....for christs sake, everyone was raving about those manufactured 3 chord turds the artic monkeys as new and ground breaking!
  3. Mr. Rimpler, you should expand on this and write a dissertation / pamphlet / book!

    I suspect the pace of change in the '60s and '70s was also enabled by technology, as well as the more permissive views of the time. Makes me wonder why the huge acceleration in tech now is not reflected in the development of music. Curious. Maybe some folks think it is.

    I also wonder how this would apply a few hundred years ago when new technology (piano, striking strings) was introduced versus old technology (harpsichord, plucking strings).

    Your thoughts?
  4. I thought that too, then I saw this...

    She was 19 when she wrote and composed that and sang it on Top of the Pops.

    #44 antonye, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  5. Back on topic, misheard lyrics are called "Mondegreens"...
    Mondegreen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Ye Highlands and ye Lowlands,
    Oh, where hae ye been?
    They hae slain the Earl O' Moray,
    And Lady Mondegreen.

    My favourite is the one Billy Connolly tells...(probably not suitable for work!!)

    #45 antonye, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  6. I pretty much agree with all that Funky says. The development of rock from 65 to 80 was incredible. What development has there really been from 98 to 13? I have no idea. This is the main reason why I don't spend a great deal of energy trying to discover new bands. I'm still working through the back catalogues of the old ones.

    Maybe too much equipment now, too many possibilities. Wish You Were Here may have taken a year to record to achieve perfection, but loads of seminal songs have been knocked out in minutes, viz Otis Redding or almost all reggae. Neil Young doesn't agonise either. Still think most of the best stuff is quick and dirty and you're not going to produce that with Pro Tools.
  7. I was every bit as jaded as the next old fogey in the 80's and 90's, I thought there was no more decent music being made. Thankfully I have a bro'-in-law who is fairly plugged into the music thing and so I have access to great new music.

    I offer Exhibit A - Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree, Blackfield, Incredible Expanding Mindfuck and other projects), the guy is a modern day genius and prolific as hell.

  8. Resurrecting a little,

    KD Lang constant craving.....cant stand gravy?

    ABBA Super trooper, "I was sick and tired of everything when I called you last night from Tesco"

    One other thing, I am rather partial to a bit of bush, Seriously, I have all her albums and whilst I agree a couple may have lost their way a little the dreaming, Kick inside, and Hounds of Love are possibly my all time favorites.

    That said I would take the talents of Kate Bush and in fact any singer / songwriter over the mass produced pop crap we are subjected to this day and age.

    I often have this argument with my 13 yr old daughter who cannot progress beyond 1D! At least when I was her age it was Kate, Queen ELO Asia, Steely Dan, with a smattering of Bowie and Bolan!
  9. OK that is some seriously weirded-out freaky shit.

    In the past hour I have:

    • listened -in a randomised 3300 song playlist - to kd lang's Constant Craving
    • read Phartycr0c's misheard lkyrics post referring to kd lang's Constant Craving
    • started to read a novel where the first page contains a verse from kd lang's Constant Craving
    Seriously weirded out now. I shit you not.
    I've never even heard of the song as of sixty minutes ago.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Don't look outside now.

    They are coming.
  11. so far off topic but harmless i'm sure - Thank you for this link Loz - I see what you mean.

    10 minutes later and I am totally hooked ! I can only think it is onward and upward for Mr Wilson from here on :-
    #51 Chris, Feb 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Totally agree with you both. My faith is restored, there is good modern stuff out there if we take our blinkers off. I guess for us oldies, it is more difficult to cut through the mainstream crap without the help of younger folks to point us in the right direction.

    I will be giving Steven Wilson a damn good listening to!!
  13. even further off topic (but still harmless) - i've only gone and got a ticket.. Home | Southbank Centre 4th March Royal Festival Hall. Selling fast row of 10 on rear stalls or balcony left Loz? Stressed? Greyman?

    oh - 'You're a wobbly dog'/John Travolta & Olivia Neutron Bomb
    #53 Chris, Feb 18, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
  14. Thanks a bunch, Chris. My resolve crumbled and now I've booked tickets for myself and my bro'-in-law. Damn you and your pressure!

    Last row rear stalls, stage left. Bah, I have no spine.

  15. Hi chaps, unfortunately I cannot make the 4th March. I look forward to hearing your views on the gig.

    I had a look at a few Wilson vids on YouTube last night and was impressed. I am about to log on to iTunes and download a few.

    Thanks for pointing me in his direction!
  16. I have to say, I was suffering from a drought of good music a few years ago and then Porcupine Tree (SW's most famous project) hit me straight smack plumb between the eyes, never had a chance to move.

    From PT I moved on to his other projects and from there I looked at other musicians on the Kscope label - The Pineapple Thief, Gazpacho, Anathema, Amplifier and others. My iTunes is filling up with music from the mid-90s onwards that I was completely unaware of. Literally astonishing!

    Good hunting, folks!
  17. Just seen this - Thanks for the kind offer Chris but as I'm about 2 million miles away I'm going to have to sadly decline :frown: I don't know Steve Wilson, will check out asap. Like Loz, I was struggling finding something new until I came across Boards of Canada, Jeniferever, God is an Astronaut, Godspeed you Black Emperor, Halou, Explosions in the Sky etc etc. There's loads of cracking new music out there, you just have to find it ....
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