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Missing out ......

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by duke1276, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. How are you with floppy, dangly bits?
  2. or tangerines in a mesh bag
  3. ET .. 2 Lolly sticks and some gaffer tape :(
    Tangerines in a mesh bag huh?
    sigh ... Memories
  4. now that is sweet ! :)

    Emm? with your clothes on! wonderfull... don't be emabarassed, you should try that more often :smile:
  5. That's so sweet .. And a bloke who's not afraid to say it... That's pretty rare.

    Id love to find my one :( but I've been so badly burnt ie fell for the wrong one .. I'm really not sure anymore.
    It's too painful. I'm not mosts cup of tea :)

    This I recalled ....
    This video is v funny..
    it's ok I can take saggy boob jokes :)
    #66 He11cat, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  6. clothed ........didn't last long though ....damn it was hot in Cyprus DSCF1127.jpg

  7. Was she trying on wedding dresses? Run Forest run!!!!
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