MK1 SL Casing paint advice reqd

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by sim900sl, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. Well case stripping in process !

    Just ordered the paint, went with Techcote Satin Black and Simoniz Alluminium Engine Paint, found some black etch primer and also some grey so will use the black under the black and the grey under the ally paint.

    Just got to finish stripping and cleaning the crankcase and away we go whilst its still warm ! would like to get the engine done and dusted before the onset of winter so I can put it away and work on all the rest.
    I'll keep you all posted
  2. I invested in a DIY zinc plating kit about 4 years ago and now zinc plate all my own fasteners etc. You can get very good results with a bit of practice but, like most things, the secret is in the preparation. It is very labour intensive and the chemicals involved are proper nasty so you do need to wear gloves, goggles and a mask but there is a certain sense of achievement in turning manky, rusty old components into nice clean shiny ones.

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