The point about “let me google that for you” is that in 99.9% of the time the person that asked the question could have quickly got the answer themselves from google as those questions are, in the main, general questions. If google (other search engines are available) cannot answer you questions then fine, say so, and then ask. Is that too difficult? Hang on I’ll google that.
Sometimes it’s an ice breaker for those that might not be good at conversation to begin with or never joined a forum Don’t be so harsh ET
Cock on Bob. 'Let me Google that for you' with that link wasn't funny ten years ago and certainly isn't now. Often the rude bastards that seem to enjoy sneering at those that don't know what they consider to be the basics are the same ones asking advice about plumbing/retirement/investment, or whatever at a later date.....Strange how they then expect to be treated differently to how they treat others. Overall a decent forum....But, how new arrivals are treated is key to survival.
Good points, agree with most of this. I’m pretty sure “let me google that for you” started off innocently, (an “English/American” thing?) the added text then changing its original, simple, intention. Certainly agree with the very last part, we’ve seen it happen many times, the Italian Sportsbike Forum comes to mind where newcomers were frequently “roasted alive” but when a Forum gets large enough, the above approach, surely normally high on a Forum’s priority list gets totally forgotten and with sadly little effect on its overall popularity. A prime example of this is “Bike Chat Forums” which is probably still gathering in size despite some of the above mentioned content, and more.
Perhaps people ask a question as a way of brokering an introduction? Saying let me google that closes a conversation down immediately and I’ll leave you to judge the impression it leaves of the person who posted it. Hardly a friendly reply, is it?
Agree, I think new arrivals are treated fine. They certainly are welcomed with friendliness & open arms, even if Tel can't get their names right. From there it's up to them. Some drop away pretty quickly, some become serial posters, some occasionally drop in and out, but all are welcome. If someone is treated with disdain by multiple members, chances are they have done something to warrant it. One off sarky comments can sometimes come over the wrong way, sometimes they can be taken the wrong way, it's all part of typed communication. Ever read an e-mail back to yourself before clicking send, and rephrased it? I have many times. You also have to factor in the internet effect which emboldens people to the point of rudeness. How many times have you been asked a question at work or on the street, face to face and replied "Let me Google that for you"? Never, you wouldn't dare. But the internet is a bit like sitting in a car and getting road rage, it does strange things to normally placid and polite people. This is the only forum I frequent now and my only real online presence, I think I'm on one other but can't remember the last time I logged in. I avoid the narcissism of Facebook, rarely posting. I've never registered for Twitter etc. That says it all about this forum in my opinion. By the way @Nelson none of this is directed at you. I just replied to your "New arrival" comment and went from there.......The internet, eh?
Agree - couldn't remember the name of that old forum. I was a member for a while, but whenever I asked a question, I was either ignored or outright insulted...No surprise it was eventually shut/killed itself. This one is by no means perfect....Annoys me when damn nearly every thread degenerates into the same old twaddle contributed to by the same old twaddlers. That's where I for one tune out with a good eyeroll...
as ever, only my opinion but people can see an implication in written words/lack of words that maybe wasn't intended, for me, to just include a link to google is neither friendly or unfriendly. I've often included a link to a product or a thread with the intention of helping someone with no added text from me and i hope most of the time whoever read it didn't think I was being unfriendly?
Without the twaddle this Forum would die - it's the main reason it thrives and other forums are pants
Come on, that ‘let me google’ link can be really funny! But doesn’t have to be rude. You can at least have the results in the page it links to. Eg Ask what tyre pressures. If it’s ‘what tyre pressures are you running on track’ or ‘are you running mad presseures on xx tyre as I find it a bit odd to ride’ that’s different to ‘what’s are the tyre pressure for xx tyre’. Ones an opinion, one is just simply google
And @bradders has hit the nail well and truly on the head. If you structure your question asking for opinions and/or experiences then that’s one thing. If however you ask a daft question that could be answered by google then expect a daft answer back. Also think of this place as an online pub. Sometimes the craic in the pub is good. Sometimes it isn’t.
hmmm... but can you qualify "daft" for me? (seriously - no need to link me to Google) - the person, possibly a newcomer doesn't always know they are being daft Terry?? - have a heart mate!
Come on I really have to spell it out? Do you think these people dress themselves all by themselves in the morning. (See what I did there?)
it's all healthy discussion Terry, i'm happy to agree to disagree with you and it doesn't mean I think any less of you
Answers to just about anything can be found with google. Lets all leave the forum and use that instead. To my simple mind a forum is about discussion and sharing of ideas and info about a common topic. If I joined a new forum and the response I got to a question (especially my first) was use search or google i'd soon be off, as many seem to have done so.
Daft or not, the increased volume of posts is good for visibility on google & SEO. People ask the daft questions in a manner of ways , which can then be searched in google, word for word by another daft person, hence sometimes introducing a newbie to this here forum. ET, would Rob & yourself really like this traffic volume to drop & impact growth & possibly advertising revenue?