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Moderation On Ducati Forum - Feedback

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Feb 25, 2018.

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  1. Never had cause to complain,if my posts get moved once in a while its probably due to me sticking them in the wrong section, doesn't bother me. I like it here, I like reading the banter, I like the helpful and friendly nature of everyone ive dealt with, I like ducatis,I like beer.

    Keep up the good work ( thats to both beer and moderators)
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  2. There lies the problem, a lot of the main contributors like the banter, a minority don't. Some think it keeps the Forum buzzing, some think it turns people away :thinkingface: some who get upset don't attempt to deal with it direct and bombard the mods with complaints. Mods get annoyed and in some cases shoot from the hip.
    It's a difficult one, but personally I think for an open for all forum the balance is good, and there isn't a great deal of animosity other than the political threads, but that's what the Speakers Corner was for. Keep it in there and people can decide if to join the afray or not.
    Mods: need less workload.
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  3. So has the Forum been steadily growing in numbers or declining ? Can we have a year on year graph since inception :thinkingface:
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  4. Never had a problem, I read as much as I can and contribute when I think I can help, if I don't like the way something is going I avoid it, nothing has ever given me reason to complain. Happy with the way things are. I generally come of this forum with a grin on my face.
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  5. Easy as that Birdie eh, if it goes the wrong way, don't read it. Not complain and whine constantly, running off to teacher at the drop of a hat like a spoilt little school girl. Bravo birdie :upyeah:
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  6. I see what you mean, i'm an X joiner not a wordsmith!!
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  7. Come on joiners...............oops sorry, off topic
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  8. I genuinely think most people don't mind a bit of banter, piss taking and even a deliberate little bit of trolling. It does not matter what facts and figures are produced about the masses or the minority, there will always be the same types of folk, ban some, more will come, and if the babies leave, more will join also. The same will occur and I think it's good for the forum, it's merely a balance of what occurs when adults from different back rounds get together in one place. Several folk including myself have suggested it time and time again, if you don't like it, don't fecking read it, not exactly rocket science is it. I for one, am sick and tired of switching on and finding yet again, someone else bitching about something trivial, or off whining to the moderators trying to get folk banned. As well as banter, we all contribute to the good stuff as well, so why don't we all just accept the fact that not all folk get along, and move the fuck on ?? :rolleyes:
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  9. Thats because the search is fucking useless and eveyone knows that.
    The only thing that needs improving on this forum imho.
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  10. A/C
    Reading your recent posts is like witnessing a slow and very public breakdown, maybe it’s time to have a bit of time away, getting obsessive about it all ain’t good for your soul mate
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  11. Search works quite well for me now since the upgrade.
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  12. Erm, then er...dont read it perhaps?
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  13. Boots, I fully agree, but I don't bitch and moan about it, and run off to El T like a big girls blouse though.
  14. Haven’t tried it lately.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  15. Bet you wished you never started thread @Rob
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  16. There are lot of annoying folk on this Forum. Draw up a list and we can all vote on who gets banned :D
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  17. Can I start ?? :eek:
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  18. This forum is fine.Im not very serious so dont go to the serious bit much.I have only once upset someone enough to PM me.After get said PM ,I removed my unintentionally offending post,job done.I love a laugh and a joke,I enjoy the techy bits and build threads.Obviously people get wound up but at the end of the day this forum is a cool place,which is why we came and stayed.Perhaps a "Time out" emoji might be an idea.
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  19. That Evoarrow does my swede!!
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  20. Being Dutch means that I like being direct, in your face and not being very PC about things, I love the banter on this forum, as long as banter doesn't turn into bullying because that is when the tables turn, we live in a free world, so speak your mind, but don't be offensive and abusive towards people, also keep in mind that just in the same way as you can turn a television off, that the same off button is available on a computer, and if you don't like the banter then you know which threads not to visit, now be nice and enjoy!
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