Yes you are correct in your assumption, that’s the one I’m referring to... and not so much the view as the appalling treatment of its passengers on a daily commute. It’s almost as it the north is largely ignored or forgotten when it comes to investment for infrastructure, by constant underfunding it keeps us small and in our place. Manchester is doing well for itself at the moment but as is often it’s at the detriment of smaller towns and cities. Better forms of communication would be beneficial to all.
Not wanting to generalise as i'm sure there might be a few nice people in Wales but from my past experience both travelling to south Wales on business and pleasure in my younger days I found them to be the worst people on earth, I now will not go to Wales under any circumstances. When I was a HGV driver many years ago based in Derbyshire I always found the further north I went the friendlier the people got and the opposite when I went south, I loved it when I had deliveries to Falkirk and Invergordon.
If a city has a mayor (in context of with powers like London) it should not get funding. Let it raise its own: then when people wake up they will leave cities and reinvigorate remote villages and small towns Jobs are the thing. And getting to scale jobs (like call centres and traditional low wage work) regularly and for little cost
open cast bud, got the same in the first pub i entered in my village and returned the remark with if they didn't like it i would move more of my family here. Not a minutes trouble apart from the very heavy banter when rugby is mentioned, love it.
Wales one of four constituent countries of the United Kingdom. A country is defined as a nation with its own government occupying a particular territory. Wales has its own government, flag, laws, and occupies a particular territory, which makes it a country.
Couldn’t have said it better myself skitz The problem with finance I have is that it’s great for those who use it as a means to an end but not for those can’t afford it. Lenders are thoroughly irresponsible signing people up for it that can’t afford it and then when the financial world comes crashing down Again those without a pot to piss in just give back their gadgets and cars whilst those with a pot to piss in then have to come up with the extra bail out money through mortgages and insurances and the circle repeats. I had 26 mortgages on various properties the last time it happened and it fucking hurt bailing out a load of wankers. This is part of the reason I’m selling up and moving abroad as on the horizon I can see another big credit dump coming
So - own flag, own laws , own government, own territory .... that must mean the USA is actually fifty countries! Hmm, I must find out if Pagham has its own flag. Wales presumably has its own army, its own currency and borders that they are able to open and close and defend if necessary. Thanks peanut, you cleared that up nicely!
I’ve found those I’ve met when I’m in Scotland to be pleasant enough, less so those that have escaped this isle when I’ve traveled.
Same as Ireland nearly every kid goes to college now , no apprentices anymore its all academic stuff !!
What's the matter Orenz ? You've gone all territorial on us you asked the question and i answered the best way by copying an explanation ? Personally i couldn't give a flying fvck what Wales is classified as. I love my little sheep paradise here in the Valley, and hey there always be a welcome for yous one eye one bus types out there.
Interest... don't talk to me about interest. We get about £95 a month from six figures.... it's a good job the FTSE has done well ... just under 150 this year..... just need to give up work so we can pull some of it out without financing a new northern rail line...... the trouble is this government taxes hard working investors way too much.