I love your little sheepy prison, too. I also love Caswell - had a really nice holiday there once, plus a holiday that was a bit of a disaster!
No need. peanut is now wagging his tail like a proper good boi. I made his day! What have you done for peanut lately?
I wish... Swansea with Lemmsy's 81 year old dad. He couldn't drive to ours this year so we came to take him out for dinner. Next time you are around I'll take you through the numbers and the mind numbing tax burden. You spend your life building a nest egg and then interest rates drop through the floor and inflation ends up eating away at it.... try to take any and its taxed like a luxury. Savings aren't a luxury. May be I should have been on benefits all my life... no tax there.
Lansdown are a good bunch, excellent commission rates and they've performed exceptionally well in 2019.... your capital is at risk and past performance is not an indication of future performance.. my advice may contain nuts.
Never trusted any of the pension or savings schemes myself. I just collected houses since I was 18. Sell the lot and get the fuck out of this miserable country that punishes people For working. Makes me think of Del Boys song. “why do only fools and horses work” We must be plonkers