kids dont need to be playing rugby. jumping for bone density a bit of the cardio. and being taught wining is good
in scotchland they dont need to... or should be stopped from attempting to play.... sorry... to soon?
Five pages of "should we, shouldn't we...?" I'm out, can't cope with the circular arguments. I'll just say one last thing - the fact that we are even having this argument is a classic example of why Britain is crap at most sports...
Good luck with that. The fact that child C has been injured or paralysed in the course of a game of rugby, or a boxing match, is not enough to found a claim. It is necessary to prove that somebody was negligent, such as the school, or the ref, or another player. And that can be extremely difficult to prove in practice, so don't pin your hopes on being successful when you try to sue the pants etc.
Can't even paint with Woad anymore............. Which is not surprising because it was largely available in the South of the UK and not up why Wallace had it painted on him must have beem courtesy of Dulux....
thats just in the movie Arqu. its not real. tell you what tho, they didnt worry back then, swinging them great big swords and stuff. kids nowadays eh? :smileys:
Interesting thread. More threads like this please. I've had to play catchup but here's my read on it. Some doctors want schools to ban tackling in rugby. How many doctors? Greater than 70 so I'm guessing this is going to be closer to 71 than to 75. There are something like 275,000 registered doctors in the UK and so about 0.02% of them have pushed for this. Hardly worth getting into a lather about. But in a lather we got and polarized too. Pro Tackling It builds character It never did me any harm It toughened me up This winds me up on a couple of counts. First, how do you know? You have lived the life you lived. You can't possibly know what you would have turned out like without being tackled at rugby. This is just reactionary, pro-rugby propaganda and unsubstantiated bollocks I'm afraid. Second, you think it was good for you. I'm pleased for you. I'm really glad you enjoyed it and feel you got so much out of it. But, so what? It's not a one size fits all world. Anti Tackling People get hurt unnecessarily Rugby shouldn’t be compulsory. Duty to keep children from harm Personally, I think touch rugby is a good introduction and will allow children to get a flavour of the game and allow them to decide whether they want to go on to actual rugby. I know someone who coaches it at primary school and also coaches rugby at high school. She seems to have a real gift for bringing kids on. For me the key is good coaching to keep the kids motivated and to keep unnecessary risk out of the game. Bad coaching, that adds to risk of injury, should be treated as unlawful. I agree that it should be a choice but the choice shouldn't be forced on the child by parents or teachers otherwise the child has no choice and the child is the one who's life is affected. The child needs a say. I think, in general, children that want to play rugby enjoy it and strive to become good at it. Someone forced to play it will do what they have to to survive it and give it up first chance they get so forcing them to play is a pointless waste of time. Tangential They’ll be banning this, that and the other next. Slow down. To this point, nothing has actually happened other than a tiny minority of doctors has expressed an opinion. It’s no wonder the youth of today are a bunch of pansies. Again, to this point, nothing has actually happened so if we are bringing up a generation of pansies then it really looks like rugby isn't helping. If you don’t force them to do something “good” for them then they’ll become lazy and obese. I point to my argument above and add: In general, children aren't naturally lazy, but they are avoidant if you try and make them do stuff they aren't into. Force them and they become miserable and, who knows, they might even comfort eat. If the rewards are there, and I mean valuing rather than bribery, then there's a good chance they'll be on board so, rather than force them, why not try encouraging them? The just plain bizarre We’re bringing up a generation of psychopaths. Where does this come from? Too many kids are mollycoddled. This is a parenting issue. What does it have to do with a tiny number of doctors requesting that tackling be banned from school rugby? All kids want to do is play xbox. It's an online community in which they are active members. What are you doing right now, exactly? Frightened of looking like a coward. Doing something where you put yourself at risk, because you're frightened of what you might look like if you don't, is not bravery, it's called overcompensation. Taking a stand I am pro tackling but anti-compulsory rugby and, while you can't remove risk completely, I feel that for those that want to play then all unnecessary risk should be removed. This might require better coaching of coaches and tighter governing of coaching. I also really like the idea of having weight categories for children (can't remember where that came from). There have been a few posts since I started writing this so this all may have already been said. I'm running for cover now.