For several years now there has been a worldwide movement towards increased energy efficiency and reduced wastage in vehicles, industry, heating, lighting, and appliances. Every country in the world has taken and continues to take measures in this direction. The amusing thing about the OP is that by a breath-taking piece of contortionism he has twisted this around into being a criticism of the EU. Non sequitur alert!
I think it is because the EU has acted on this idiocy. And lets face it how much of a real difference is this move going to make? If they really want to make a difference let's ban all this metal on the road.
Now, I only got O level Physics, but I believe that it would be impossible to develop a kettle into which one feeds a mere 1 KW, and have the same amount of water brought to the boil as fast as a 2 KW kettle would do it.
about 10 years ago i mentioned to a boffin mate, why don't they invent a device that lets the consumer know how much lecky they are using at a glance. i believe you now have such a device called a watson his name is watson, coincidence? he no longer works but always has money? do you think i could sue him for intellectual theft?
I believe the electricity meter was invented some time before then Fin. Furthermore the words 'intellectual' and 'Fin' have never been mutually exclusive and as far as I am aware this is the only time their occurrence together has been observed.
The actual story is about vacuum cleaners; the stuff about electric kettles is mere speculation and waffle.