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More University Fees Reform?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Well it's not like anyone can join the police either Andy, as their not recruitting. So it's uni or minimum wage for everyone.
  2. And when they do, much like the fire brigade, you can't get in unless you're gay, lesbian or from an ethnic minority.
  3. FWIW I agree with you on Media Studies. But if eyes can be opened then that can only be a good thing.
  4. worked for me......
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. My understanding is that kids are wising up to the fact that a degree doesn't automatically lead to a good job, that all degrees are not equal and burdening yourself with a student loan debt is not necessarily the best way to start adult life.

    Make informed choices and live with the consequences.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. just how much do you think they pay new recruits.....although they are recruiting and ironically you have to fund your own two year university course as a starter,.......and then a job aint no guarantee at the end of it...
  7. Live your youth, work in maccie d's, go to uni late when you know what it is you want. don't go straight from school unless you are one of those who do know and are dedicated.

    I hated school. Ive been suspended, subsequently expelled from a very good public school that I was sent to by the council. Twas that or DC they said. Still I lasted 3 or 4 yrs before they'd had enough. When you're young, you're an idiot. Well, i was. Still am. But I benefited from uni big time and I loved every minute of it. No longer were teachers etc trying to dominate and bully me. Instead we were equals and they were trying to help. I'd go back if I could. I love academia. I'm probably going to do an OU Maths degree just for something to do. My late real father had 2 science degrees the fecker and I can't let him have one over on me. Even from wherever he is, he's probably taking the piss out of me.

    Learning is the best thing anyone can ever do. Any type of learning. Although even after 3 yrs I am still completely shit at guitar. Still trying.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. probably the best thing you have ever said..............

    only surpassed by teaching......watching someone develop and learn from your input is amazing....
  9. I'd disagree, in that I dont think an Pakistani born in England is a Pakistani. He's English, with Pa. And if his passport says he's English, he is excluded from what are free or reduced rates for other countries people.

    In the same way French are a race. Imo colour is not an indicator of race
  10. that's it ......if you are involving the french..........
  11. There is only 1 race. The human race. Oh and fin. Sorry thats 2. Oh and Brad, okay there are only 3 races...fuck its monty python time...i never expected that.
  12. Long and short of it is, without the right educated people in the right places in the workplace, we wont and cant compete against other countries. As much as I hate it, and I do, you cant turn the globalisation clock back.

    Will I, proudly, pay for my sons tuition? Somehow, glady. What I struggle with is a govt policy which forces kids into further education and then makes them pay for it, plus all other taxes, for the rest of their working life (almost). And lets not start on the wonga-esque interest which is paid back over the term
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. they dont have to, they can start at the bottom and work there way up. bet there better off financially too.
    do a bit of OU along the way
  14. It seems that you like to use the words "race" and "racist" in some special sense, unique to yourself and unrelated to what those words mean to everybody else. Good luck with that ...
  15. In a bglobalised world where a black face in the uk or a white one in africa may be 5 generations strong. Most would suggest that is 2014
  16. Except OU have jumped on the 9k bandwagon. Another Python sketch on its way, the Norwegian Blue OU
  17. Well I like the French.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. A black 5th generation french man is still black by race. You're mixing up race, ethnicity and nationality which are all different things. The Open University taught me that, just a few months ago. If anything, of all the different labels and boxes there are to group people in, race is probably the most easily definable one.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. My OU course is around £2.5k per 60 point course. So I did 60 points in my first year, I'll do 120 points in the coming year, 120 the year after and 60 for my final year. £15k all in for a BA(Hons) studied in my own home, in my spare time.
  20. the french what?
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