Check out the fees this year. Its 9k for the equiv points of year one full time degree. Ie its 27k to get there. Unless they have seen sense and gone back to a more inexpensive (and in the spirit of OU) charging ,mechanism And i am not confusing anything. My view is simple: race is not linked to colour any more. Or it should not be. Its as outdated as the idea of a commonwealth or an empire
So what race am I classified as then? I would not accept white. West European, possibly, British likely, English definely. As nationality can change with the whim of a passport...ever watch English cricket?!
Fricken typical, even the OU is at it,,,less than half the price if you live in scotland. At least its live, regardless of your race...
Yarh that will be it..which is why half of you escape the moment you can to other countries :Banghead:
Again you're confusing ethnicity and race. They're different. Race- "Starting from the 19th century, the term was often used, in a taxonomic sense, to denote genetically differentiated human populations defined by phenotype" Ethnicity - "An ethnicity, or ethnic group, is a socially-defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural, or national experience.[1][2] Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, myth of origins, history, homeland, language (dialect), or even ideology, and manifests itself through symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, physical appearance, etc."
Again you're missing my point. The key phrase is imo. Ie I don't care what a book tells me. So do we with white anglo saxon ancestry not share the genes of the original African mother? Call me a modernist, I prefer my definitions to be of the 21st century
Maybe if you stopped TELLING everyone else what THEY think, you may get further And this thread is not about race, Scotland or whether timbuktoo is fill of Japanese girls. Its about more reform, targeting middle England while insisting children MUST go into it.
Maybe if you didn't refuse to acknowledge that certain words have particular meanings agreed upon by everyone else except you then perhaps I would make more effort with you. But you want to use the wrong meaning with the wrong word and then tell me that because it's YOUR OPINION as to what the definition of race and ethnicity are that matters, rather then the reality. I can only apologise again for participating in the development of a thread. From now on I shall ignore the progress of a discussion and respond only to the initial post. Hopefully this will help keep you happy.
Why should i pay taxes for a snotty nosed student (sorry if you have kids and feel that yours are somehow different) to further his/her education at their leisure while they decide what exactly they want to do with there lives? Only to have them come out of school and charge me 5 times what i can charge them in my profession? Because society says a yuppy is worth more than me!!!! You invest in your business...i spend more in tools each year than most of em do in fees and I work in one of the most dangerous profession in the world (construction) I get no pension, sick pay, holiday pay, over time and will probably die from a work related illness.. Its your own choice if you want to invest in education or tools but its on your own head and dont expect a hand out. The fact that some governments will use the plebs money to pay for their peers education and some wont is irrelevant...
you might not die of a work related disease if a publicly funded doctor is there to help. but pay for a useless coarse i agree.
A doctor as a rule will do only as much "public work" as is insisted before going into private practice. I dont begrudge that.. More fucking power to em.. But i fail to see why i should bankroll his investment in his future when not only would he not mine but he will charge well in excess of what is required to live a reasonable existence whilst all his life looking at me like im somethin he stepped in. I think a doctor is a bad example though... When it comes down to it the most important things in life are food, waste management and somewhere to sleep.. The rest of em can sleep in there own shit and starve...
you better start asking for a pay rise soon to pay for the armed guard your gonna need to protect your self from the homeless and hungry. did you listen to them crooked vultures yet?
I can understand that view, and probably had a similar view when it was totally free. I think there has to be a cost for something, or it has no value. But its how its done, how education is now a means to get the unemployed numbers down (and almost nothing more) and that to stack shelves at your local Waitrose they like a degree...
Our son has just completed his degree, we are quite proud of him, he was the last year of the £3k fees and chose to do it in Bath (we live a couple of miles out of Bath) he stayed at home, so no debt, it could have been quite different of course had he chosen a uni elsewhere. I think it is making those considering Uni think about what they really want. My daughter chose not to go but has progressed as well as if not better than those who have a degree through sheer hard work. I see the argument about having to charge fees but I resent the fees were brought in by a government who themselves benefitted before fees.
Its the way of the world.. No cunt gives a fuck when a trades man is out of work but someone with a degree in poetry? Its a travesty! The point Im trying to makes is we all roll the dice and take our chances but some have there bets hedged whilst the working man pays for it. I don't see a newly (tax payer funded) educated man willingly helping out a working class man. Whats easier? getting a student loan (for some wishy washy degree) or getting funding for a start up business? Why? Daffyduc, I liked the way you were speakng till the last statement... Get over it, if the knobs in government got a free education so what? You could buy a house for £10.00 back in the day.. you cant now