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Moselle Germany Trip - 26-29 May 2017

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Pete1950, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. Peter. It was good to meet you at the ace. Thanks for the link to this post. Sorry to here about your news. All the best and the trip will be something to aim for. Cheers. James.
  2. Sorry to hear this Pete :(
  3. Sorry to read the bad news Pete and I hope that the treatment goes well for you.
  4. That's bad news Pete, hopefully they've caught things early enough to put you on the road to recovery quickly.

    You have my thoughts and wish you a speedy recovery
  5. Geez, that sucks, hope the prognosis is good, all the best for a speedy recovery Pete, thinking positive thoughts for you.
  6. Sorry to hear that Pete. I had a cancer ten years ago and so far I'm still here to tell the tale. If you need/want to chat just pm me. Keep positive. :)
  7. Oh no sorry to be reading this @Pete1950 hope you have found it early and that you will be well enough to do this trip
    All the very best and positive thoughts coming your way
  8. Really sorry to hear that Pete, really awful news - take care and here's to a quick recovery!
  9. Best wishes, Pete. I am sorry for your trouble and I'm hoping you get a good prognosis in quick order.
  10. Sorry to hear of your illness Pete, hope the treatment cures it and see you at Loomies in 2016!
  11. @Pete1950 Just read this and sorry to hear about your diagnosis, hope it all works out OK for you.
  12. @Pete1950 you better do an @El Toro with this issue!
    You do a Lemmy on us and I'm going to get on another bike then go and get you back....you hear!
    All the best Pete and I'm sure the 2016 will be another great year for you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Sorry to hear that Pete. Good luck with treatment. I will let Ken know.
    Best wishes, Keith.
  14. I have already let Ken E know.
  15. yer well kent and liked mare. kick it's ass. :upyeah::smileys:.
  16. Really sorry to hear your bad news Pete - hope the treatment is succesful and you're back on your bike in time for your German trip.
  17. Sorry to hear your bad news Pete, stay positive and hopefully you'll be able to kick its ass. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  18. hotel booked
  19. Noted. By the way, this trip is not exclusive to our little clique - others are welcome to come along!
  20. couldn't agree more, (almost) everyone welcome ;)

    and you better make it otherwise I may have to do the leading
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