Most Scared

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. if your body,(or the car) is big enough,(in volume) to displace a greater weight of water than you actually weigh,then you will float,(you can't argue with physics...)
    But of course you have to subtract the volume of whatever part you want to keep above the water,like your head...
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. I don't even like the thought of trying to get out of a capsized canoe.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I tried that diving thing, scuba, on holiday. 1st time, followed the wrong group and went down and down, the instructor grabbed my flipper and directed me back up. I looked up and thought, shit that's a lot of water. Goggle's started to fill up so water was going up my nose, I just kept swallowing seawater. Later I got pissed off and panicked, inflated the jacket thing and shot up like a bloody torpedo.
    The instructor took my weight belt and left me paddling about, obviously he knew I was a bloody liability.
    Don't mind water, just not the deep end.
    • Like Like x 1

  4. Oh gawd I don't think I would be in the right frame of mind to go over that info
  5. tis ok, it's pure common sense.
  6. Have to agree with open water, not my thing.

    Most frightened I've been was climbing at a local quarry.
    Usually we were harnessed up and climbed in pairs. This day I went down for a look by myself with just a pair of rockboots and fully intending just to do a bit of bouldering ( low level climbing up to 10ftish). Next think I know I get a bit engrossed and "wake up" 60ft up. Nearly shit a hedgehog, its harder to downclimb.....:Facepalm:
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