If the factories were prepared to sell full-on motogp bikes to customers we wouldn't be discussing proddie kit, but they aren't. Either they can't afford to do it or they want to hold onto a huge advantage over the privateers. Neither is any good for the sport. If there were more factories competing we wouldn't be having this conversation, but they aren't, so something must be done before the premier class disappears up it's own backside. By far the easiest way to do this is to allow proddie kit in, and then somehow reducing the gap between them and the works teams. This is exactly what Dorna are doing now. Perhaps we should wait and see what next year brings...
And that's where the rumours of WSB and motogp merging started. WSB is getting perilously close to motogp in terms of equipment and lap times. There has to be a difference to make both classes viable, and that's why I'm all for superstock ruling in WSB.
Oh man...... As my daughter says....Moto GP for as good as it is is just not as good as WSB for close action racing and as we'll BSB just watched Silverstone twice and have to say the best racing since sliced bread, and the war, and everything else.....well done Alex, Shakey and Josh made an eventful evening watching X factor better as I got to watch some aware some close,repeat close (pay attention Moto GP) racing so we missed the X factor......never mind rock on BSB proper racing son.