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MotoGP silly season finally gets underway

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Freak, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. I fear....probably the same as you, that your right.

    Personally I don't want to see the loss of prototype or production racing, they both have a place in the future of bike fans.....

    Without prototype's pushing the boundarys with engineering genius, there is no development to show case in production racing on machines which are 'almost' available in the high street, but certainly carry lots of the 'development' handed down by both series....

    But as you say, the present climate dictates otherwise, with available money to put bikes and riders on the grid in two series virtually none existent......just a thought....controversial.....but a thought......how about, if it were legally acceptable....cap the extortionate wages of the riders commanding extreme amounts of money, and reward teams that are prepared to use the cash saved in a two rider team to fund a third machine......

    More bikes on the grid, more of a bite of the cherry for more riders to get a chance.....Just a thought!
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