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movie review thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulfastbikes, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. The Edge of Tomorrow...What a pile!
    Why is Tom Cruise making such crap films? Is it a Scientology thing?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. I liked the edge of tomorrow. Ground hog day on a bigger scale.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Grand Budapest hotel. Highly recommend on a Sunday afternoon when suffering with a hangover!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Nymph -- load of bollocks
    The signal--pretty good
    sin city 2--quite good though had to watch it twice
    Gallowalkers--pretty good,didnt understand a lot of it but left me feeling it was a good film
    The rover--again strangely good
    Appleseed alpha--the only jap anime ive understood so far,again i class it as pretty good,worth watching.
    Swelter--dead good i thought sort of resovoir doggsy
    Purge two--already saw one and this was the same,ok as a evening filler,not bad.
    The survivor--hmm,ok i guess lots of friends liked it but i found it bit boring.
    got a load more to watch,even cheech and chong ;)

    Defiance is a good tv series and a new one called "awake"(i think?,my 60yr old brain is just a large puddle with the occasional rock to stand on now)looks very good.

    yes i do love my xbmc --free sky,free BT,endless free films and tv series :upyeah:
  5. Defiance, meh. Try Falling Skies or the walking dead
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. walking deads a bit slow and samey i thought but im not a great fan of zombies n the like,world war z did nothing for me at all,all too predictable really,falling sky is excellent so far ,still havent seen that many episodes though of that.

    definately a lot better stuff out there than we get on out tellies isnt there,i just type scifi into the genre bit n loads of stuff ive never heard of pops up.
  7. I love sci-fi TV shows. So much better then movies.
    BSG is obvious, Firefly but sadly they cancelled it, all the Appleseads, Jericho till it got cancelled. Jericho was 1st TV show that got cancelled due to online piracy. Online viewings were huge but that meant TV one's were not so profits were not and they almost cancelled after season 1. They gave it a go at season 2 and most of the episodes got nicked about half way in to season 2 and released online. That was the end.
    I love all the stargates, especially Atlantis and Universe.

    I can go on and on and on.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. yeh,got all the stargates in my favorites,and quite a few new ones ive found on gotv.
    in fact this has got me going again, ill just have to go and see whats listed now i think.
  9. Robot & Frank. A lovely little movie :) :)
  10. A Walk Among the Tombstones is a horrible and pretty terrible film that has sooo many plot holes in. Rewatch Taken, Non Stop or Unknown.
    The Lego Movie is utterly mental, but good fun, especially if you are very familiar with the product :)
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  11. jim jefferies BARE (standup) very funny i thought,another comedian added to my list.
  12. I saw this last night, not remembering your post - it was pure serendipity.
    It was excellent - very odd, but funny, beautifully designed really different.

    I had to see it in French, but even this was bearable. Recommended.
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  13. 12 Years a Slave - utterly phenomenal
    #193 mattmccabebrown, Sep 22, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
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  14. Wow, 97% on Rotten Tomatoes. Sounds promising!
  15. 12 Years? It really is good. Bit of a hard watch at times, but unlike other films in the genre, its not a three hour slog fest. At a fraction over two hours, the film moves at a very good pace and is well worth your time
  16. Noah. You can see this as one of three things. Biblical propaganda. Heresy. or Fantasy sci-fi (bit like the hobbit/lord of the rings etc)
    I actually quite enjoyed it. Bit heavy on 'the creator' stuff, but all in all. Enjoyable
  17. Can we meet at Ace Cafe now so I can beat that idea out of your head? You are embarrassing all the bold people here!
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. "horns".... :Hilarious: film industry has run out of ideas i think

    "dont blink"..... no idea what that was about,why,when..:Bag::Hilarious:

    "the homesman..nearly a decent film,better by miles than the two above.

    "the equaliser".... lot more violent than our version but then its mercan and hollywoods usual take on everything.ok for passing hour or two though.:Meh:
  19. Transformers...Latest one.
    Went on abit, other wise same ole same ole...Think this is done now....:Meh:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Watching bootleg copies now are we seeing that movie is out end of October :) Chinese guy recording with camera spoils the fun you know hehe.

    I will go and see it as I like Daniel Radcliffe in horrors/thrillers and similar. He himself admitted that as a kid he only watched horrors/thrillers and that is what got him in to movies.
    He was great in Lady in Black and in Kill your Darlings.

    On another note watch Zodiac from 2007 so good.
    Remake of Maniac from 2012 while scored low-ish on IMDB as it was a remake it was a good watch. If you did not see original brilliant watch.
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