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movie review thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulfastbikes, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. Django was good, zero dark thirty was also good, les miserable great, seven psychopaths was just hilarious if you in to that.

    Watch 50 50 is you can (dvd)

    Hitchcock was good but good watch.

    Hobbit sucks, taken 2 is horrible that line got old, new Bourne was good as they made it clear it is happening at the same time as previous one's so story makes sense.

    The impossible was soo good, worth watch. Jack Reacher was odd, not that good all in all but odd to see Crazy Cruze playing Crazy Reached. Argo was great.

    Could go on.

    Next Life of Pi
  2. I've just been watching The Matrix again (DVD box set). I can feel the other two films coming on. These are amongst my very favourite films.

    Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith is just killingly funny. He should have got an Oscar for his performance.

    The line "Goodbye. Mr. Anderson" is surely one of the best lines in cinematic history. Luckily we get to hear it a good few times.

    Any other Matrix fans?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. @ Glid - Carrie-Ann Moss + Ducati = great film !
  4. You're right. My favourite of the 3 is Matrix Reloaded. You can't argue with Carrie-Anne Moss cavorting about in a PVC catsuit on a Ducati.

    But I think my favourite sequence is the fight with the multiple Agent Smiths. I have no idea how they did that. Astonishing (and of course, as ever where Agent Smith is concerned) extremely amusing.
  5. Yep but felt it would have been best left at just the one, easy to know in hindsight.

    Just felt the others were full of holes and inconsistencies where the first was original and groundbreaking in concept and making.

    Maybe that doesn't make me a true diehard fan but a fan none the less :)
  6. The first of a series is always the yardstick by which the others are judged. The other two Matrix films couldn't hope to be as revolutionary as the first, as we now knew the paradigm and had got used to it. But as visual adventures, they are stunning. They don't make any real philosophical sense and disappear into the vortices of their own inconsistencies.

    Does this matter? I think not. They are truly great entertainment. It's a bit like saying that the whole Star Wars franchise or Batman franchise should have stopped after the first film. I suspect that the Matrix was so surprising (in the way that the first Batman film wasn't particularly) that critics were disappointed that the 2nd two weren't equally surprising. But they were unlikely to be able to be.
  7. if anyone on here likes intelligent films with a good story, i can recommend, 'motorcycle diaries'..its a true story about a very influencial international figure, but this isnt revealed until the very end.
    by and large tv and films bore me shitless or have me laughing at inappropriate places because they are so appalling...i just cant seem to suspend my disbelief when one man saves the universe and wise cracks puns.
  8. may I recommend downfall
  9. Interesting point. Obviously fictional stories are just that - fiction. They cannot correspond with reality in points of fact, and the stories are unlikely to be as coherent or consistent as real life. It seems churlish to complain about plot holes. And yet we have to be able to suspend disbelief to some extent to maintain interest in the story.

    Human history contains so many fascinating, gripping, amazing true stories that it is very hard for writers to make up anything to approach them.
  10. You can't really complain about plot holes when the fiction postulates a human civilisation deep in the bowels of the earth which is navigated by spaceships.
  11. Anyone seen it yet ? Got a dribble in it

    #53 Char, Jan 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  12. I spoke with Chris Pine last week when they were doing the Junkets for the movie. Cool bloke for the few minutes we spoke.

    Movie seems good.
  13. I want more films like 'Little Miss Sunshine'

    At least theres a new Coen Bro film out soon.
  14. Just found this:

  15. i see you got the right thread this time Luczy. :biggrin:
  16. I watched Captain Phillips yesterday. Bloody hell, awesome movie and Tom Hank's performance is just astounding.
  17. watch'd trance the other night, nice bit of flange in it.
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