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movie review thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulfastbikes, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. one mans terrorist is another mans hero, the winners write history etc etc etc
  2. I've just seen Eden Lake.
    Yes, I know it came out in 2008.
    Did anyone else see it? I thought it was excellent: gripping, intense, somewhat violent.
    But it was also relentlessly bleak, although vaguely plausible, in a film sort of way.
  3. Reminds me of Rutland water
  4. But its always edited for accuracy later on by historians. Although I admit some of the editing, although carried out, isn't mentioned widely and is often forgotten about all-together.
  5. Just ordered need for speed and some new jean Claude van damn film forgot the name of it already oh and the other half has ordered the. Lego movie - will report back soon
  6. Need for Speed Ok, no idea about van damming and lego is crap
  7. watched hostel 3 on netflix the other day what a load of bull!!

    oh and if you have not seen it - pretty old now - sex lives of the potatoe men - starring johnny vegas
  8. Last film i saw in the cinema was Calvary, good film set around Ireland's west coast. Keeps you guessing to the end and Sligo features if that's important to anyone here?
  9. Noah...WTF! :Muted:
  10. He
  11. as a coincidental aside, just finished reading the book - a good read. i enjoyed reading it.
  12. I found it quite disturbing, in a good way. Bleak is a good description. The lead actress was very engaging and likeable, which made for even greater impact as the story unfolds.
  13. Sold it to me that one, will dig out my blockbuster card.
  14. The stunts and action are superb. I have not read the book though, just read a lot of the official media. (Americas B20?)

  15. I watched All is Lost yesterday. Robert Redford movie about a man sailing in the ocean, but then it all goes tits up when he hits a shipping container. One actor, about five lines of dialogue and totally gripping.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. The wife and i watched How to train your dragon 2 on Sat,

    How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) - IMDb

    Yes i know it's a cartoon, but we both really enjoyed it.

    Would recommend it, (pretty good in 3D as well)
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Jean claude van damn film - welcome to the Jungle - Funny for the first few mins then its just a load of bull - dont waste your time with it

    Need for speed was a good one and worth a watch
  18. Anybody seen the new Mad Max trailer yet

    • Like Like x 1
  19. Have now

    looks good

    cannot beat the original though
    • Agree Agree x 1
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