Hi Count.Many thanks for your kind and helpful advice.It was one of the 'meds' I investigated with my Dr.I was advised that it would not be good to take it along with the stuff I am on at the moment due to reaction effects.However,as i appear to be on the 'last chance saloon' as far as drugs are concerned,it could be an option for the future. My lovely son,although not a drug taker himself,thank goodness,has offered to get me some if required. Quite funny that,offspring offering to get a parent 'some stuff':Angelic:
Hugs to you fellow sufferer I can vouch for how crap Merv must feel.. It's like you have a really bad case of flu everyday except no snots The worst for me is chronic fatigue .. You could sleep for 100 years and you'd feel the same . Some days you want to move and you can't . It's like living in slow motion. Drugs do naff all .. Oh one lot balloon me out . I'm glad Mrs Merv is looking after you . I'm awake again as crippled up .. Motorcycle therapy I'm painting tiny ACEO cards as well as bike . I had to come of Epilepsy drugs now waiting for pain management . Take care and don't over do it !! X
Hi Mel.Gentle hugs to you and lots of understanding.Very difficult for outsiders to comprehend what we suffer from.I am lucky that Mrs Mervyn does have a good idea as she sees what the Fibro has done to me.I am lucky that I do not suffer so much these days with the chronic fatigue,it aint just being tired is it?One of the nastier symptoms,and you have my greatest sympathy. I have tried a whole cocktail of drugs over the last three years,like you have,and they are all designed for other illnesses and are given to us as there is nothing else. I wake up every morning feeling as if somebody has gone all over me in the night with a baseball bat and my brain is hardly working. As you say,motorcycle therapy as and when you can do it. I hope you get your pain management treatment sooner rather than later.Easier said than done but you take care and pace yourself/we do ourselves in so easily,don't we. I wish you all the very best for yourself. X