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Mrs N's Pride & Joy... Some B@"#%€$d

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Noods, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. I'm more concerned to learn of Mrs1952.

    Peter, you cradle-snatcher you.
  2. Can't prove it but fairly certain someone down the street put a scratch all down one side of my car for parking outside their house. They also make a point of parking without straddling the kerb (as everyone else does to enable it to be double parked all the way down, it's one way) opposite the exit to our little unadopted street making it properly tight to get out. His car looks like something from the streets of Mumbai", as if it's received 10 years of abuse for shit parking.

    I get annoyed with folk that think they own the bit of street outside their house too, especially the ones that use cones or hand crafted 'no parking' signs. Had a bloke in Bradford tell me he was going to vandalise my car if I left it outside his house. I called the police there and then and asked him to repeat himself. Dick. I parked there every day for 2 years after that until we moved premises.
  3. I'd go move the mini a bit closer and film her trying to get out. Instant YouTube hit. I've got 2 cameras on the front of the house, not that we live in a bad area at all but no good wishing you had a camera in hindsight. There was that in car cam a while ago on the news that caught some guy scratching an Aston. It was a supermarket car park and he just stopped walking, took out his keys and scratched it because of jealousy. Disgusting.

    I've got a scratch on the Ducati because of some selfish parker who decided his need to squeeze in a space was more important than my right to an undamaged bike. London parking eh!
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  4. Bloke in a retail park pulled up an inch from the door of the van Id just parked up in a while back, said that it was my fault for parking next to the line, only I'd just pulled up and left the car next to me enough room to get in/out because they were up to their line.

    I climbed out of the window onto his roof, hopped onto the bonnet and strolled triumphantly into Currys. In my head. What I actually did was hurl some abuse then park somewhere else. It's always afterwards you realise what you should have done.
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  5. Luv it... So were not the only ones to have those who think they own bits of roads and cones then.. We had a sad oh in our street who had a little garden and brick wall, eg no driveway.. He used to leave notes on people's cars including mine asking them not to park outside his house... People ignored him.. He COULDNT drive a car, no licence, but, he was so sad he bought an old car and had it delivered and parked outside his.. Stood there for six months and never moved, till someone realised he had no tax etc for it.. One day a tow truck appeared and it was taken away .. Shame..

    Also annoying when you do have a dropped kerb and you get plums parking over it.. You AV a word with em.. And they reply " I'm only going to be parked there for a minute" I normally reply... " if it's parked on my property it becomes my property, I'm, off to get my lump Ammer to make some improvements to the said vehicle" X
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  6. I got in trouble with the cops once for dealing with a guy parked outside my mums house many years ago now .. She had her own driveway with dropped kerb.. She woke one morning to find someone had blocked her drive totally and disappeared somewhere.. She needed to get her car out to go to the hospital so she phoned me.. In a few mins I tipped up at hers with a mate and a trolley Jack .. We lifted the back of the car up and pushed it out of the way.. Sent Mum on her way and then pulled the car back over her drive.. Where apon we took all 4 wheels off it and left it on axle stands before making a cup of tea and waiting for the inevitable knock on the door, which soon came, a guy and his wife on the doorstep, they were livid... I calmly explained that someone had dumped it there so we took it as ours and had taken the wheels off to sell them to a mate as they were the best thing on the car... The guy went nuts ... He called the cops and although they agreed with us, they ASKED, us, to put them back! The cops went on their way.. We then made out we were having trouble getting them back as we couldn't contact our friend... Eventually, sometime later, we put them back! Unfortunately we hadn't marked the wheels when we took them off so regrettably his wheels were likely to be in a very unbalanced state, Shame..
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  7. Our neighbour across the road is a shit driver....she backed out of her driveway into our next door neighbours brand new car - one of the other neighbours saw it and told her - she went over and then the one across the road still denied it but then had to admit it once my neighbour said "well, xxxx saw you do it..."

    She smashed the wind mirror off of my car and didn't admit it, I could see the paint on her car door from my car and we were both out one day so I gave her a really hard stare as if to say " I know it was you..." but I couldn't prove it....200 quid for a new mirror...
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  8. My 4 wheeled pride and joy is a Porsche Kayman bought it new in March this year it was keyed on the 2nd day I owned it keyed again in June there's some sick jealous shits around
    It's currently in the body shop having a very expensive respray
  9. Get them to swap the badging while it's in:eek:
  10. Stop trying to get into people's pants, Slick.
  11. A while back I was stopped at the lights waiting for green, when from the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a chap crossing the road behind me, he paused sorted inwards and gobbed full throttle on to the floor, or so I thought. It wasn't until I got home and saw the sticky green mess on the back. My car then was a Porsche 968. Twat.
  12. That's sick.

    Did you try to catch up with the guy and get him on a full course of antibiotics?
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  13. Would liked to have given him a full course of something for sure!
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  14. Yeah get em to stick a VW badge on there, they might Nick the badge but they will leave the car alone...
  15. On a lighter note a guy at work is a right car fanny and a few years ago he took his nearly new Jag to France with the family. They had booked a lovely chalet with his cousins family who also had a newish Jag.
    They got to the chalet and he parked his car under an adjacent arch that had overhanging Lupins and went to watch the World Cup final on the telly.
    Half an hour later he heard his wife screaming outside. He ran out to find a heard of goats on his pride and joy munching on the Lupins. He screamed at them as they wheel spun their hooves off his car causing over £10 k worth of damage.
    They want to a posh hotel in Monte Carlo the next week and he had to drive round the principality in his hammerite finish Jag accompanied by his cousin in his mint vehicle.
  16. One of my neighbours designed/invented the computer game "Worms" and subsequently made a small fortune, and so treated himself to a Ferrari. He had it two months and had it "keyed" umpteen times by horrible, jealous people close to his office in Cheshire.

    After two months he sold it and bought a Nissan micra. He kept the Micra for ten years.
  17. Worms... Cool... Used to play that...

    Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Just trying to work out what this is a euphemism for.
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  19. Kayman is being sold as soon as I get it back from the body shop bought a van hopefully people will leave it alone. No more expensive cars for me
  20. Not sure but his wife left him for a guy called Billy ....
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