Thanks Don/Mark.....still not sure what the final outcome will be yet, the hosting guys were supposed to come back to me today but didn't! I'll chase them tomorrow. Keep those fingers crossed! ;-) PS: any members........please post something about what's happened/what's going on the forum if the chance presents. I did, pretty much a duplicate of post 13 above and Admin/Mods promptly deleted it.....I discovered when returning to update, no advice as to why! I've since learned (behind the scenes contact;-) that the new ownership (the original owner sold up a while back and now the site seems to be more of a commercial venture!;-) deem my efforts/site as competition! :Woot: My signature line there was also deleted a while back without any mention to me, they didn't like the 'I can also be found on' line! lol Censorship seems to be flavour of the day!!....I know of a few other cases of threads/posts disappearing' - all very short sighted of them imho - I have pointed out that my site contains LOTS of links to and at least a couple of actual 'promotions', additionally regularly gets my recommendation in responses to emails (not as often as this forum of course!;-) ....better stop there before I really start ranting On the upside maybe we'll get some of the uk mob that defected there (lol) following the demise of the ducatisti site back here?