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Multistrada Gallery

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Rob, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. That's what put me off winter riding.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Curious if you collect more mud and dirt with a tail tidy. Asking for a friend. :)
  3. All tucked up for the next couple of months whilst the salt covers the local roads.
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  4. #2264 Ian_H, Jan 27, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2024
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  5. @Ian_H you seem to have accidentally replaced a V4 with an identical V4!
  6. You'd think I would have got the hang of posting photos by now ... sorted now - I think !
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  7. I hadn't planned on joining this Multi group, but the local dealer got in their first Multistrada RS and it seems it's going to my riding buddy... long story short I was inspired to buy something a little more touring friendly than my V2 Streetfighter.

    Next thing you know, I had found a 2018 Multi 1260 S Touring with 1100 miles on it. Not a typo, 1100 miles on it and the dealership had done all the services to make it current. Put a deposit down on a Thursday expecting to pay it off the middle of the next week and let them keep it until spring.

    Yeah, right. This is me the following Monday, headed home.

    The dealer I found this at is two hours away from me. If I'm going to drive up to pay for it I may as well take it home with me, right? The Jeep can give up it's parking spot early and sit outside in the winter, it'll be fine.

    We got about 3" of snow today so if I hadn't have done it yesterday, I'd have to wait until all this melts and the roads are clear again. That could take weeks!
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  8. first recording of the year, with my Christmas gift, January 27, 20º / 11 am

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  9. Pretty cool.
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  10. Got it dirty

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  11. After a few years away on a K1300S, I've returned to the fold with this lovely thing!

    Happy days are upon us again!

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  12. What year is it ?
  13. 2014!
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  14. Looks mint,when I can get time I’ll take a picture of my 2011 1200s and post it.I’ve a Desert X as well,my multi feels like a mountain bike in comparison,both fabulous bikes in their own way. Have fun!
  15. Thank you! It's only done 12500 miles, quite what the previous owners did with it I don't know.. all the better for me though!
    The 1st gen 1200's are fantastic fun, the engine is really untamed, almost feral. You can really tell the sportsbike roots. I had a 2012 from new, always put a massive grin on my face. The MK2 is fantastic, but it doesn't have quite the same edge. Still puts a grin on my face though!

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  17. Trough of Bowland Bowland.jpg
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  18. Hook Norton Family Brewery today on a romp round the Cotswolds.
    #2278 Martyn Edwards, Mar 9, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
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  19. First blast out this year before it gets a nice clean next weekend. She didn't miss a beat.

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  20. Cadwell prep underway :)

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