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Multistrada Gallery

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Rob, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Morning ladds:upyeah: New member from Norway posting. Have been a lurker for a longtime, but there are so little going on on Norwegian Ducati forums, so I tought I had to register here:biggrin:

    Here is mine 2012 MTS Touring that now also have all the Sport carbon parts + some more:cool:


  2. Morning Andreas, how's Norway today? And which part of Norway are you in? My wife has family near Arnedal and we love it there. Chris
  3. I`m from Trondheim, so a great distance from Arendal:smile: It`s nice up here, but the riding season is sadly comming to an end.. But i have collected 7000km of nice, norwegian mountain roads since I got the bike in april:upyeah:
  4. Hi Anfreas, welcome to the forum....nice to have someone here from as far north as Trondheim! Nice Bike too! Red being the fastest colour :)
  5. That's quite a way from them then! Never been to that part of Norway yet, but hoping to bring my ST3 over some time in the not too distant future and get out to see more of your beautiful country. We've been over by car in the past, but the ferry that used to run from Newcastle to Kristiansand no longer runs, so the last visit we flew into Oslo, Torp and hired a car. It looks like we will have to get a ferry from Harwich to Esbjerg and then ride up through Denmark and get the Hirtshals to Kristiansand and then tour from there. Hope we can get over and meet up with you. Chris
  6. Yes, the Newcastle ferry is no more. But there are rumors that there is a plan for a new Norway - GB ferry. In 2010 I rode with my Monster S2R to the Goodwood Festival of Speed:cool: On that trip we rode thru Denmark and took the Esbjerg - Harwich ferry:upyeah:
    #226 Andreas, Sep 21, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2012
  7. A couple from recent trips. Going to Spain next week, hope to have a few more.

    A recent trip to Bastogne, early morning, foggy and sobering.

    On a road to Italy through France near Mont Blanc only I couldn't go any further!



  8. Nice:upyeah: What kind of Bagster bag are you using? Do you find it blocking the view to your GPS? I have the Bagster Minea bag, it looks smaler than your bag, but longer. As I also have GPS mounted on the bar clamp, I find the bag to interfere to much..
  9. @Andreas - it's the Cross'r bag as the bottom has an adjustable fitting system (Bagster - CROSS'R). As for the SatNav - if I angle it all the way back it's not a problem for me, there again i'm 6"6" tall so am able to look over the bag fairly well :wink: Plus i'm a geek for maps so mentally have a good idea where i'm going, the SatNav is just a 'what if' backup.
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  10. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1348816181.803123.jpg

    Just thought I would add one of mine. This colour still seems quite rare which is a little strange seeing as this is by far the fastest colour available?

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  11. You did mean after white Dawg ?
  12. I think all the white has been blown off his! Riding too fast maybe!!!
  13. i think the titanium is quicker than the white as he says, for I looked behind me one time when on my red one and i could see the titanium one going in to the distance !:wink:
  14. Guys,

    Look, I'm just trying to be helpful here. I perfectly understand that anyone who is fortunate enough to ride in company with a Race Titanium Matte Mutly will only ever get a view of the rear of it. I was just trying to show you what the front actually looks like.

    I usually park up the opposite way to everyone else when I arrive somewhere in order that the slower colours get a chance to see the front. (I'm just always thinking of others).
  15. Who me officer ????
  16. Your all avin a laugh RED is by far the sexiest n fastest colour available:upyeah:
  17. Yep! Right up until a Yellow one pulls up next to it, then roars off into the distance :upyeah: :biggrin:
  18. A quick trip to the Cotswolds with Mrs.W.



  19. Col du Galiber in France 9c but it felt a lot colder, next day 35c in Italy 12 road trip 037.jpg

    12 road trip 037.jpg
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  20. Broadway?

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