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Multistrada To A Monster?

Discussion in 'Monster' started by mrH, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. I have read this else where, and I think this is sales talk for we rather sell you a bike now, I have not ordered a new MULTI but been given June ish, and that is assuming all the people who have deposits actually take a new multi, I bet all do not.
  2. Could be, although got a good relationship with the dealer. They aren't pushing me for a sale. I fancy a change anyway.
    As the Ducati factory closes in August, I guess that builds in a fair delay.

    At least the Multi demo is in, so will have a go before making final decision.
  3. Had an email from dealer, my Stripe should be in this week! :D

    Am already thinking about missing my Mutley :( ???
  4. Have you considered the Diavel? It's superb, and if you fit a small Ducati screen on it, you'll have enough wind protection. It's perfect for weekend ridings. Sorry to add another question instead of responding.
  5. I haven't read the thread but I also thought the diavel would be an excellent multi-replacement, stick a termi pipe on and boom, this bike has more tourqes than anything on the road I believe.
  6. Right, stop it. Confusion already exists!:Banghead: :D

    I did try one, but I didn't like the seating position. Sounded GREAT though! Induced Lower back pain unfortunately.

    Was tempted though, but I like the look of the Monster. And the wife likes the colour!:upyeah:
  7. :pNew 1200s stripe arrives in my hands on Wednesday!
  8. Woohoo! Desmodromic fun awaits. I will look out for you on the roads.
  9. Have to arrange a meet up to compare and sort a ride out.
  10. Sure sounds like a plan!
  11. Hi mrH,

    How are you getting on with the M1200S? I ask because my M696 was in at Ducati Glasgow getting a service and I took their M1200S Stripe demonstrator out today for a hurl. What a superb bike, so easy to ride. And what a nice, secure feeling to be able to put my feet flat on the ground with my knees slightly bent. I've been tippy toeing around on the Mutley and dreading stopping on steep hills and cambers. And I could see the display :). Then there's the popping and barking it does when you close the throttle. I swear it had me sporting a semi. The last time I tried the M1200S I think I was hell bent on getting a Mutley. Don't get me wrong, I really really love the Mutley, but I've been riding it like a complete tit. I seem to have zero self control on it. The acceleration from the testastretta is soooo f'ing addictive and without windblast to hold me back, I sit at big number speeds because, it would appear, I become an utter dick when riding a Mutley. Not dangerous in traffic, but lose your liberty, not just your license, fast whenever the occasion allows. And another thing, I'm out all day riding like a knob and thensit in the house at night worrying that I might have been caught be some sneaky speed trap somewhere. I mean WTF am I doing to myself. The Mutley just makes it too easy. And I'm weak. Oh so weak. So easily seduced by it's charms.

    Since I got the M696 I've been enjoying the naked bike experience again. First time in nearly 40 years - urgh, what a horrible realisation. The M696 is a lot of fun but I miss the huge gobs of power you get from the 1200 testastretta. So, what I was wondering is, would the M1200S calm me down a bit? Just a bit. The thinking is that you can't physically sustain Mutley speeds on the M1200S or wind blast would mean you'd end up in a neck brace. "Sustain" is the key. This is not about me becoming a fanny ba's (Scottish for wus), it's about enjoying the occasional foray into the, ummm, sub-legal zone rather living there.

    On the Mutley, apart from noticing the scenery coming at you pretty damn quickly, you are sort of insulated from the physics of speed so you sort of don't appreciate it. Today there was lots and lots of appreciation of the speed I was doing. I never got into the instant ban zone but still had a blast.

    OK, so back to the question. How do you find it? What are the pros and cons? Would you recommend it? Would you make the same decision again?
  12. Wally

    Good to hear from you again.

    The Mutley is a fine machine indeed!
    The M1200s is a totally different proposition, but bloody great fun. It handles great, sounds fantastic and is comfortable. Fuel consumption is really good, even pushing on.

    I use it for a commute into work in the City and on fun trips out at weekends across in Wales mainly.

    Does it calm you down? A bit, at least on the open roads, but it is fantastic on the twisties. The wind blast does keep the speed down, as at least the not so great screen of the Mutley does keep off the wind and weather.

    I'm certainly enjoying it at the moment and not missing the Mutley too much. My short legs don't miss the tiptoeing/arse-shifting of the Mutley!

    Can't find much to moan about the Monster. What would I change? Fuel gauge, gear indicator and more room for feet on the pegs.

    I "may" go back to a Mutley in a couple of years, but for the time being, I will stay in the Monster moment and keep enjoying the naked experience!
    #32 mrH, Jul 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
  13. Hey mrM,

    Thanks for getting back to me and I'm glad you're enjoying the Monster.

    It's weird it doesn't have a fuel gauge or gear indicator. The M696 doesn't have either eh either. Maybe it's a Monster thing. Not exactly a deal breaker. Also weird it shows ABS and DTC settings on every screen. Interestingly I didn't have a problem with the rear footpeg hangers and I do shift to my toes when cornering. I guess I must be hen toed on the bike or something.

    I need to think about this for a bit but have a feeling I might end up going for the Monster. I wish I could hire one for a week and do some serious miles on it.
  14. See if your dealer will lend you one for the weekend. Mine did and it definitely sealed it for me.
    I wasn't that impressed the first time I tried it, so an extended test ride would be the thing to get arranged
  15. Ooh, now there's an idea. Nice one. Can't do any harm to ask.
  16. Well, on Thursday I cracked and put a deposit on a 1200 stripe. Ducati are throwing in a full termi system at the mo and it was just too much for me to resist. :grinning: I was enjoying the 696 but really missed the mutley power when was I was on it. I've been out on the 1200S for a couple of test rides now and there is something really engaging about the monster that is missing from the mutley. The growling, barking and popping on the overrun put a huge, and slightly manic, grin on my face every time I close the throttle. It sounds like a complete fecking animal but is such an easy bike to ride.

    I thought about the R but I'd never have it on a track so the extra power and lean angle would be wasted on me and the extra seat height would mean teetering around (this is my only issue with the mutley - which is actually an issue with my shortage of leg). I think the full termi system brings the S power up to around 152hp anyway and gives you a little more torque (like I'll really need that). While the R is more desireable and probably has more street cred (on a track bike?), with the free termi on the S I couldn't justify the extra spend on an R.

    No delivery date yet but I'm not in a huge hurry because it is going to spend weeks garaged waiting on some decent weather. Agony. :Bawling:
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Wally

    I am jealous of the Termi system :rage:

    Congrats on the decision. I haven't regretted it one bit!! Enjoy:grinning:
  18. Me jealous also of the full termi. You won't regret your purchase :)
  19. Hey MrH, Thanks. I'm glad the monster is still doing it for you.
  20. Thanks, I'm pretty excited about it.
    How many sleeps until the monster is delivered? :grinning:
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