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Mutley Ride - Benson to TBC Saturday 28th September

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Kirky, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Of course making sure whoever is following you realises...or half of us will be having cake with the kids ;-)
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  2. Cheers, will peel off after the On Yer Bike visit
  3. Any rough idea of eta at On Yer BIke please as may be collecting one of my harem from Hemel at 11 ish so will probably go from there straight to OYB.
  4. I would guess about 11.45-12ish
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  5. See u all there, I take it the MCN paparazzi are paying for the breakfast out of my appearance fees ? bugs
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  6. I take it the AA & RAC have been notified!!!!! :biggrin:
  7. and supplying merchandise Bugsbunny???? my t shirt's a Large
  8. As the Northerner in our office succinctly put it when pressed to buy a large round on an office night out...."I ain't buying owt!"

    See whoever can make it on Saturday. My bike has been cleaned to within an inch of its life and it took me three hours last weekend so if it rains I will be the one stood next to it, sobbing.

    photo[1].jpg How it currently looks...

  9. I didn't think loan bikes needed cleaning! :biggrin:

    Bring a bag of sweets to keep the children happy :upyeah:
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  10. That'll nicely balance out the fact that mine hasn't been...for quite a while now. :biggrin:

    I lie...there's a clean spot on the number plate, where Snells had to stick a reflector to get it through the MoT.
  11. Mine is covered in dead stuff, wont be any different by Sat. Big group if everyone turns up
  12. I'll have some company while lurking in the "unclean" corner then.
  13. Wouldn't have it any other way!
  14. OK ...I coming along. Who else is?
    Not worried about the group riding from Benson to OYB.
    Do we really think the numbers will be up from the usual suspects?
  15. Theres a big list on the first post
  16. Hi Kirky,
    I will pop down and say hello or rather goodbye as I have sold my Multistrada this week. After too many problems (the last one kept it off the road for 2 months) and the 3rd year warranty finishing in October, I decided enough was enough and have part- exchanged it for the new Tiger Sport. I am running in the Tiger Sport so I am riding really slow but I will pop in, have a chat but not come on the ride.

    PS I am selling my Multistrada extras on ebay at the moment
  17. Doh...not read the begining of this post since it started. Sorry.
    I forgot you can edit the original post.
  18. You are on the list and I think it's hit about 30 now.

    No doubt some will pull out but please can we all try and park up tight with the other bikes to avoid problems with cars.

    MTS_Tone, When you get too many problems and lose confidence it's time to move on. You'll have to let us know what you make of the change to the Tiger once you have a few thousand miles on it. I took out a 4th year warranty for the reassurance.
  19. I see the weather forecast for Benson on Saturday is fine, dry, warm, light East wind, small possibility of a light shower in the afternoon.
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  20. Kirky,

    I hope the be there early.
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