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My Garage, Repair Or Replace

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Jan 17, 2015.

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  1. aint gonna be doin any GRP in this weather,, not for months yet..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Couldn't agree more.
    If the frame is sound, which it probably is, you got the makings of a good building. Constructing a solid frame from scratch is tricky but cladding and roofing is fairly easy if you're prepared to put in the time. If the frame is good I'd strip it back to the bare bones, repair and timber treat, get it off the ground and re-clad and re-roof. You've got a brand new building for a fraction of the cost of either a new timber replacement or a conventional build.
    #42 Gimlet, Jan 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2015
  3. Right. We're talking about a shed here, not Buckingham Palace.

    First job is the roof. The obvious thing to do is just re-felt it - maybe £100, possibly £200 cos it's a decent size. Then put some wood preserver on the cladding - £30 tops. You now have a dry shed. Damp won't be a problem thereafter cos it looks pretty draughty in there to me. Use any old bits of wood or ply to patch up the rotten bits, and coat them with the same wood preserver. Or old engine oil, it doesn't matter, it's a bloody shed.

    Save your money for something nice, don't waste it on a shed.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Jesus, how long would that take! You seen the size on mine!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Not long, I've done roofs the size on tennis courts, just get stuck in.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Quick Google would put just the hardwood boards at about £300!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. [​IMG]
    Look at the size of it, that's going to take days.
  8. How is the water getting in as there are no rips or tears? Is the felt not overhanging the previous layer of felt enough?
  9. [​IMG]
    I can see dark (wet?) Looking lines along the roof.
  10. got this on my lean to, quick, strong looks good in green and still there after 100mph winds,
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. ACT a cockney now that is the biggest laugh I have had in ages, he talks with a plum in his mouth.
  12. If you're getting damp on the roof boards under the felt, the felt is fucked. Just re-felt it.
  13. built my own shed from scratch 8 years ago shiplaped from 21mm sarkin it got damp at the bottom before i put the guttering in. 11x 15 think it cost about 500-600 including doors and windows all in and still there after 100 mph winds.
  14. cheapest wbp at the min is selcos £20.00+vat per sheet.
  15. I built my own shed 12 years ago. 24' x 12', secondhand and already starting to rot a bit. 12 years later it's completely dry and draught-free, carpeted, heated, mains water supply, the lot. So far it's cost me a tenner...
  16. I guesstimate I need 10 so still £240
  17. a tenner was a lot of money back then.;) yip got the lecky and stuff, not that i can get init any more the wife just filled it with her stuff. beatch :smile:
  18. I can't see in the pic, but possibly through the barge board fixings........With felt roofs, it is probably best not to have them..........
  19. My whole shed is built of this stuff.Easy to put up and cheap.:)
    • Agree Agree x 1
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