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My Garage, Repair Or Replace

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Jan 17, 2015.

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  1. lol, if we all spent the hours we have spent on this thread, with tools in our hands, this shed would be half done by now :)
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  2. That's a line from a film! Guess?
  3. I was considering it...........
  4. hmmmm... no.....
  5. I thought it was a timber framed garage. Keep lawnmowers in sheds.
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  6. tyler? is that you :)
  7. Nope. :D meet Joe black
  8. ahh, very similar quote in Fight Club!
  9. Hi I wouldn't use shed" felt so to speak but would use a decent torch on felt iko,icopal etc.
    Normally would be a 3 layer system using a 3b or perforated felt on the bottom a 2 mm sanded felt followed by a 4 mm capping layer (mineral) felt.

    Osb board is fine to use if the roof is laid properly and most if not all roofers would use this board on a flat roof (roofer with 14 years experience ) .

    If you are want a price for the roof just consider most roofing company's in my area (surrey) would quote anywhere between £70 to £100 psm for a strip board and refelt roof inc clearance.
    That should also come with a 20 to 25 year guarantee.

    Grp is also a alternative but is a little more expensive.
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  10. I hope your not buying Chinese timber. Its a copy of the European stuff, not as strong.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  11. I'm out of this thread, never to return. Enjoy
  12. We do need another thread :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. You're right actually. Well a lot of imported Russian and Scandinavian timber anyway. Fast growing, low density, light weight and less rigid over a given span than timber of a generation ago. Stamping something C24 doesn't make it so. There's so much cheap, sub-standard fast grown timber about now that its debatable whether timber load-bearing calcs and regulations don't need updating. Where a 10" joist might have been specified 50 years ago, now you need 12" to stop it bouncing.
    Work on an old building and the home-grown timber of a century ago is vastly superior to what we use today.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. No....You send him the solutions, as you know best..........Apparently you built Prospect Wharf and I didn't.;)

    As for trying to give you a lesson in terminology, it was you that started that off by trying to correct me........
    #135 Ghost Rider, Jan 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2015

  15. Well, get your arse over there and get it done then instead of making stupid comments....;)
  16. But let them cool down first to avoid condensation
  17. Oh well, re-post it then....................and then go and help the OP do it.........
  18. He wasn't........read it again.................he was going to span a steel across the building.........
  19. Some people don't half make prats of themselves by not reading things properly or just trying to be clever............

    Not surprised they need DIY Rescue.
    #140 Ghost Rider, Jan 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2015
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