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my quest for a quieter ride

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Aztec, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. CP Wings update

    From Ducati.ms post:

    Hi All,

    I've been quiet for a couple of days, mostly doing a real job, but Ive been working nights on the wings. I've been testing a lot and was out late last night for eine kleine nacht hooning with version 6.
    I've been trying to find a solution that fits the standard bike with a variety of screens and also accommodates aftermarket handlebar furniture but the extra clearances reduce the effectiveness of the wings somewhat. They're still working well, but I don't want compromises if I can help it.

    The best solution will be a complex moulding but that will take time to develop. I can incorporate better aerodynamics with edge profiles but it's hard to do with sheet material and impossible at DIY level.

    Here are the options:
    1. Wings for standard hand guards and most screens with or without spacers. Some screens or aftermarket handguards may need the wings to be trimmed slightly for fit. This can be done carefully on a grinding wheel and polisher.
    2. Larger wings for use with 30mm bar risers. The improvement in wind protection when the bar cutout is not needed is huge, so anyone who is prepared to fit risers can get much better performance.
    3. Clear or dark smoked in either version.

    I have the machine shop set up to cut material week after next. I'm also producing chamfered washers and have black screws so the inside fairing look is neat. The gasket is rubber and seals the fairing fastener holes well.
    Material is high impact Lexan.

    Cost will be $25 per set for the standard and $30 per set for the riser version, clear or smoked. Postage extra.
    Hope to have some available to ship around beginning of May. I am hand producing two or three sets to distribute to selected parties for testing over the next couple of days (dont hit me with requests as I can't produce many sets and the test team has been sorted).

    I'll post templates of the final version tomorrow so that anyone who wants to DIY them can do so.


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  2. A pro job from start to finish........the likes of Ducati could learn from your detailed and methodical R&D lol

    Just to be awkward, I would prefer light smoke version over dark (just my humble opinion but I think the dark wings might spoil the overall look of the front of the bike.....hard to be sure of course without seeing them fitted)

    Prices seem very fair.

    Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, research and design processes as you've gone along....it's been very interesting :D
  3. I've just fitted a set of Aztec's spacers and they made a huge difference. CP any news on the flaps? I'd really like a set.
  4. Fantastic glad your happy
  5. It works really well. I don't have anywhere near the level of head shaking turbulence any more, especially at legalish speeds. So well done for working it out!

    The flaps would be a nice thing to try out too if they become available.
    #28 iforb, May 11, 2012
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  6. If the flaps don't happen soon I'm going to start playing myself, I have some 2 and 3 mm lexan and a CNC machine, please CP any news
    #29 Aztec, May 11, 2012
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  7. Any further developments CP?
  8. Has anyone tried this approach to stopping the wind blast from under the screen. You could fill the space with a flexible material that would deflect the wind like a sail and allow the handle bars to move to the full lock position.

    As soon as I have time I intend to use heavy duty masking tape to see what happens and if effective shape a piece of red material (perhaps leather) to attach to the screen and fairing. The two fasteners on the fairing could be used to attach the bottom of the "sail".


  9. Front on it would look something like this


  11. CP has done a ton of research and testing and come up with 'wings' not dissimilar to those available for the GS12. He found that there's no need for anything nearly that tall but found that a slightly curved surface helps. He's produced design drawings and specs and has found somewhere to produce the finished 'CP Wings' in clear or smoked plexiglass (or similar). Last I heard he expected the wings to be available by the end of this month.

    He's not posted on the other forum for nearly 2 weeks and not replied to a recent email I sent him...........I suspect he's on holiday maybe?
  12. He was quite sure the flaps would be ready to post early may, something just feels wrong, hope all is well with CP
  13. Yes, hopefully.....I think there will be quite a lot of interested parties who will want at least one set!
  14. Thanks for the info Andy
  15. With a bit of help I tracked down contact info for CP I have today spoken to him very briefly.Apologies for the absence/lack of contact but he's been working flat out on projects at the Olympic stadiums, away from home, long days, 4 hour sleeps etc......he'll be back soon :D

    I'm sure CP will appreciate the concern expressed as to his being ok :niceone:
  16. Thats a refief
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