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National Black Police Association

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. "The point is that fairness and equality have to become evident to all members of society." Sounds like something the appalling Nicola Sturgeon might say.

    Life isn't fair and the only equality I am interested in is equality of opportunity.

    Does the fact that 44% of those in court for rioting came from the top (sic) 10% most deprived addresses in the UK excuse their behaviour ? No it doesn't.

    Instead of reading The Spirit Level try giving The Spirit Level Delusion a go.
  2. I think you are spot on with this Tom. Our children will wonder what all of the fuss was about.
  3. Racism certainly isn't confined to people with white skins.

    I agree that it is better to treat people as individuals but there are many individuals who belong to groups with strong identities often defined by race or religion and sometimes that generates a conflict of interest. It is how we manage those conflicts of interest that is important.
  4. What about Indians and Pakistanis? They notoriously hate each other too. And gingers...its easy to place ourselves in a sect, then use that difference as ammunition to get what we want. Its harder if you're white, especially middle class, but then you look to religion for leverage
  5. Let's not get too precious about this. All humans alive today are members of the same species, and all in principle have the same human rights and the same legal rights.

    The genetic differences between people of different ethnic origins are real, and are measurable. For example, people of African-Caribbean origin are more likely to get diabetes but less likely to get breast cancer; and there is absolutely nothing "racist" or offensive about measuring and talking about those kinds of effects.

    What really is racist is the notion that people of certain ethnic origins should have less rights, or that their life and liberty are less important, that those of people of a different ethnic origin.
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  6. Even gingers..?
  7. i am an ex ginger.
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  8. You got your soul back..?:eek:
  9. i generally don't tell anyone as peoples attitude towards me seem to change for the worse.:frown: :tongue:
  10. I find it very frustrating when people cry 'racism' over using the word black to describe someone.

    I feel the need to point out that saying someone is black is not saying that they are in any way of less value compared to another colour of people. Racism is discrimination based on colour, not identification based on colour.

    I was watching the Crossfit Games on Youtube last year and there was one black competitor on the field amongst many other white women. The commentators were trying to identify the black woman to highlight who they were talking about without just saying 'it's the black woman'. The fact that she was wearing exactly the same clothes as everyone else on the field made this quite difficult. There's nothing wrong with saying 'that black guy' when asked to identify someone.

    This isn't quite relevant to where the thread is right now but I needed to get it off my chest.
  11. No discrimination is positive. Its still discrimination and excludes people. As Pete points out. We are all the same species. Even Figs.

    Treat people as they come and for who they are and how they are. Even Figs.

  12. I'm not in the least bit racist (just so you all know...), but one of my brothers is getting more and more racist as he gets older, and we've no idea where it comes from. He certainly got no cues from our parents, and as far as I know he's never had any run-ins with Indians (for it is they), and one of his oldest friends is an indian woman, yet he genuinely hates indians.

    I forced him to go for an indian meal with me a while ago, he'd never had one, and admitted he liked it, but he was concerned about how clean the kitchen was (seriously). This is an intelligent person who deals with all sorts of people, travels all over the world, and has multi-cultural friends. He's not nasty to anyone, but he won't deal with or even speak to indians. I can only assume it's fear of some sort, but I'm at a loss to work out how to stop it.
  13. Good point. There is absolutely nothing wrong with describing someone as black, or white, if that is what they are, any more than saying someone has blue eyes or black hair. I am white, my wife is black - so what?

    There has been a persistent problem though, with the gutter press, in reports of crimes and criminals, invariably mentioning it if a perpetrator is black - yet never mentioning if a perpetrator is white.
  14. Is that because its obvious, it ethnicity isn't mentioned, they are white or is it unnecessary detail.

    And i've been in a few Chinese and indian kitchens and most of them arent exactly clean...but then nor is the late night takeaway selling kebabs or many pubs
  15. This fucking internet is really starting to get on my tits.Wrote a long reply and then the fucking cunt pc says recover webpage so here we go again.

    Think ill edit it and add more so it doesn't go tits up again after I have wrote it out.Tempted to put my fucking fist through the laptop.

    Eh read my post of Black and Ethnic monorites union in Fire Brigade.Maybe they started the union due to racism they experienced.Maybe they started the union as complaints of racism used to fall on deaf ears so they started there own.Everyone is welcome.

    I can introduce you to the head of the union.He is 6'7" 19 stone ex boxer.And you want to slap him.Good luck with that lmfao.
    #75 matt#corse, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
  16. I always copy a long post before I post it, expecting the thing to go tits up. When it does, I can laugh and just paste back what I had originally written.

    Never trust a computer. Ever.
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  17. I actualy feel sorry for you folks if you think like this or the place you live is like this.Makes me glad to have grown up and still live in Wolverhampton as its very mixed.

    Plenty of white people and Asians I know go to black clubs round here as they like the R&B music and like the atmosphere.You also have many mixed couples at these places shock horror lol and no problem.In fact one of my best mates is always in black clubs.Well he loves black girls and prefers the music also.He has never had a problem with racists asking him to leave due to being white.On the contrary many of the black girls like white guys so they are all over him and he loves it.

    There is also a very good club in Birmingham called G.L.A.S.Gay lesbian and straight that is very popular with the good looking crowd hense I go there lol.No attitude there either and you will not be turned away for being straight.The only problem will be If you are homophobic you can count on a good kicking from everyone in that club though.

    To top it off there is also a black bikers club here which is exclusively black.Well until the second time I bumped into them and three white guys had joined.And guess what they all get along great.

    If you get tunred away from black clubs due to being white or gays clubs then I suggest you come to the Midlands for a better experience.If its like that where you guys live id defo give these places a wide birth.

    That is if any of you have actualy been to a Black ,asian or gay club/association etc etc.If you haven't try it.You might be surprised as you will find yourselves most welcome ,well round my neck of the woods anyway.
    #77 matt#corse, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
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  18. Er wouldn't be ... first names... George Armstrong ...last name... Custer by any chance.
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  19. :mad: Hey! I was gonna say that. :wink:
  20. Great minds Davy , great minds :wink: , I bet you thought of Custer because he couldn't stand to be surrounded by Indians .
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