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National Black Police Association

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Matt, you missed my point completely. When I talk about clubs I'm not talking about nightclubs, I mean associations, memberships to be affiliated with other souls of the same ilk. Nightclubs are full of all sorts of pondlife, as we all know. You wouldn't walk into a Womens' Institute meeting unannounced, would you..?
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Damn right he would he'd also walk into women's toilets unannounced , and when they screamed " this is for women " , he'd pull his todger out and say " so's fuckin this " .
  3. Actually, no they can't. They can join as associate members, but not full members. That looks very much like discrimination to me.

    imagine the hypothetical White Police Association. Imagine a clause that stated that black, Asian, gay, female, whatever people could only join as an associate member. That would rightly be seen as discriminatory. There would be an uproar in the Guardian, New Statesman, whatever.
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  4. Exactly, and that is precisely the OP's point.
  5. So that would make both of 749er's points incorrect :wink:
  6. Bloody heretic:mad:

    749er is never wrong...
  7. I once had a boss who reckoned he only ever made one mistake, and that was when he thought he had made a mistake when he hadn't.

    The arsehole probably believed it.
  8. Was he ever proved wrong..?

    Martin Whitmarsh thought the same, til today:biggrin: (the twat).
  9. I meant in all walks of life not just going clubbing hense the black bikers club in my post.

    Lets face facts.There was and still is a problem in this country hense you now have positivie discrimination if you can call it that for ethnic minorities ,women and gay/lesbians.Also there must still be a problem as more laws have been brought in to protect people race/hate crimes etc.

    If you stop the racism ,sexism and homophobia maybe there will be no need for things like Black and ethnic minorities union in fire brigade for example.Not just pointing the finger at white males either here.There is also problems with racism/ homophobia in the black and muslim community snd even the good old C of E. Hense you get ethnic minority /muslim gay and lesbian groups as they often face discrimination from the majority.

    More women,ethnic minorities,gay/lesbian bi sexual and working class people in parliament would also be a good thing imho.If it takes positive action/discrimination to make this happen then im all for it

    If kill the root of the problem there will be no need for minority groups.
    #89 matt#corse, Feb 8, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
  10. there will always be a need for minority groups because there will always be minority groups. Todays mass is tomorrows segmented society
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  11. So who is today's minority group?

    In parts of London I'll think you'll find it's the white English in the minority. So let's start a party for them, eh..?
  12. As a white British person I'm in a minority in my borough, in my street, and in my own house. So what? I don't feel any need to make an issue of it. There are several political parties already available to suit a range of tastes and opinions, but if anybody wants to start another one nobody is stopping them.
  13. I guarantee they would stop you, Pete, if you tried to start a white-english-straight-blokes-only club (open to all, naturally...).
  14. Didn't a court rule that the BNP had to let non whites join.
  15. It seems we are both wrong. The NBPA does not have individual members. It is made up of regional groups.

    such organisations exist because people from ethnic minorities are on the wrong end of a lot of wrong doing.

    Until that changes they will exist. I agree it would be better they don't exist.

    White middle class heterosexual males don't have to put up with all the crap that that women, homosexuals and ethnic minorities do.

    We should be aiming for organisations like the NBPA to be dissolved via equality in society, and not because a few white middle class males don't like them.
    #96 749er, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  16. I thought they existed already?
  17. [Forum ate my original submission - which I had saved to Notepad before attempting to send! :cool:]

    Actually, an interesting point was raised back in the thread concerning the reporting of crime through the media.

    I think it is essential that, if you are going to mention the skin colour of any suspected criminals, you must mention it in every case. The idea of making an assumption that the suspect is white if it isn't mentioned in the report ignores how people perceive crime through the media. If colour is only ever mentioned when the suspect is non-white, the simplification inherent in public perception will be that most crime is perpetrated by non-whites.

    Public perceptions are an incredibly important part of reporting news and dealing with societal issues. An example of how this gets distorted might be the belief that, today, there are many more serial-killers than there were 100 years ago. This perception is purely the result of media reportage and public perception that results from it. From what I've seen and read, the number of serial killers per capita of population is not known to have increased at any time throughout history.
    A side-effect of this distortion may be that parents are afraid to allow their children to walk to school, play outside and do all the activities that may stave off obesity. A case of throwing baby out with the bath water if ever there was one!
  18. Not that I know of. Unless you know different.
  19. He means the Tories :wink:
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