Precisely. You have expressed the point very clearly. The trouble is, although we can say it is essential to mention it in every case, there are powerful people in the media (step forward Paul Dacre) who have their own agenda. They can no longer get away with explicitly racist articles, but they can resort to implicit methods like this one. And they will go on doing it, no doubt.
If only we weren't so stupid as to fall for such cheap tactics! And if only trashy tabloids weren't so essential to our well-being! (Thirty years and counting since I last bought a newspaper ...)
It is wrong and it only feeds the race issue...true equality does not have a blck or white branch, nor a gay or straight one there should be a police association and thats that....why do we continue to make an issue out of these things....stop putting people on boxes and maybe things will change all for one and one for all
Not true! ;-) ( joke) Seriously, though, 'er indoors is always telling me I am wrong. i used to share a lot of your views and JohnV's views, but since Mrs749er knows a huge amount about equality, social policy etc she can easily cite study based evidence and show me the errors of my ways. eg Thespionkops point above, which I still have lot of sympathy for, and if there must be equality lobby groups, why can't there be just one?
Yep I couldn't agree more with equality for everyone regardless of race/sex or sexual orientation religion blah blah.But as this hasn't been the case in the past or present then minorities that feel discriminated against will start there own clubs/associations etc etc. If white straight males want to start there own club union or whatever then im all for it as long as ALL others are welcome to. Its never put me of joining anything as I really don't give a fuck.When my martial arts gym closed (not nightclub) the only other one with my art was just outside of Wolves.The area is almost exclusively white and gym was exclusively white males.I didn't let that put me off joining due to me being the only ethnic minority person there.Every one was spot on and with new students joining since me gym is even more mixed ethnically which is always a good thing in my book.Could do with more women though. So guys and girls start up a white ducati riding club and ill defo turn up to throw a spanner in the works lmao.