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Naughty corner

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by Ducbird, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Bah, bling for bling's sake, that!
    You'll want me to fit Corse propellors next ... "But they're lighter, less angular inertia, blah, blah!" :tongue:
  2. What!

    Your still using the stock propellors.....that was my first mod, been doing it since I put the HRC ones on my C90.:biggrin:
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  3. What pressures do you put in those round black thingys?
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  4. No pressure.....just do it at your leisure at a pace that suits you.
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  5. was going to go put pressure in my black round thinys and
    thought I would put petrol in while im there....what petrol pump
    should I use and can I keep my helmet on when I pay??
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  6. Use the black nozzle. That way you can take your helmet off while waiting for the RAC [​IMG]
    #26 stickywicket, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
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  7. When I fill up with fuel, should the pump be on the left-hand side of the bike or the right?
    And ... should bike be on the right-hand side of the pump or the left?

    I'm worried about wear'n'tear and fuel enconomy enocomy emonocy how much fuel costs, mainly. But also style. Which has more style points?
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  8. when you fill up stick power pills into your bike....gets more mpg and also more bhp than a wsb
  9. Can anyone help?....When I first got my bike, the big container in front of the seat used to make a sloshing noise......I went out for a ride the other day and the bike broke down and won't start any more; plus the sloshing noise has stopped.

    What could be wrong do you think?
  10. Isn't that something to do with cake
  11. Ooo hang on not sure about that one did you ride in the right way or the no exit because then your sides will be different ..... Errr I think 
  12. I always trailer it in, Ducbird, it breaks down every hundred miles or so. After a trip to the petrol station though ... it's right as rain.

    You'd think there would be some way of stopping having to trailer it in all the time. Anyone?

    Wait - there's a right way in to the petrol station? Will they stop hoinking their Screaming Banshees at me if I manage to find that?
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  13. Hey Viv,

    If your nice to me....I'll ask the big boys here, if you can have your thread back.:wink:
  14. I'm always nice to you sausage fingers and I dont mind sharing 
  15. Oh!!! ..... No dont know you got me there probably someone will know and tell you in a mo thought I think it maybe something to do with red???
  16. Yeah the red ones go faster on trailers....everyone knows that!:biggrin:
  17. i'm intrigued just to know who's been naughty Viv..
  18. Me too 
    Wasn't me honest
  19. So is that you finished self servicing for the day or just having a break?
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  20. I'm finished and at home now 
    All self serviced out
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