bit more done today Changed bearings on timing belt idlers and adjusters, think they'd seen better days. New belts fitted and tensioned with the Gates app.
I'm glad you've said that because I thought the belts seems very close, I assume the adjuster pulley wants to be effectively 90 degrees up (roughly) from where it is (on the last pic), if that makes sense
Just looked at a pic I took of the old ones still in place, so have answered my own question, will change tomorrow. Many thanks
A good way to remember is that you want the tension of the belt to be putting “tightening” torque on the locknut, not “loosening” torque.
As you can see, the belts will run very close to each other if tensioned the wrong way. Mine's had the heads skimmed by 1mm, (to increase the CR) timing altered to suit and larger idler pulleys to help, but the belts run very close together even when correctly oriented - I think they would actually rub together if done wrong.
Got a few more bits done, spent ages yesterday straightening the fins on the radiator and oil cooler, by no means perfect but much better
Now need some advice please Taken the clutch out, I think the friction plates must be reasonably recent, in miles not time as it's not been used for 12 years. Friction plates measure on average 2.95mm Spring free length average 38.3mm Just don't know about the clutch basket having never had a dry clutch on anything I've had. Is this worn or fine? Bike has done 22k miles, has this done all those miles or more recent? Thanks in advance as ever.
Plus, looks like an ally basket and I'm pretty certain a 996 would have had a steel basket from new? My 916 did and whilst they last longer, they are much heavier and even noisier when worn. I replaced mine with an ally basket & plates.
Excellent, thanks chaps Are mine likely to be ally plates? I would assume it's not best practice mix metals, I'll put a magnet on them and check.
If it's an ally basket then, yes you should use ally plates or the basket won't last long, the plain plates are still steel though.
Not really done much to it this week, but decided to see what I think of an open clutch without spending a lot in case I'm not keen. Bought an old used but pretty good condition open carbon cover, have cleaned the OE pressure plate so it's a bit shiny, not sure yet if I want a red pressure plate, and have ordered some red spring caps but they're not here yet. Put it on today without old spring caps to see how it looks. I quite like it that the cover sort of looks period correct. It will be a long time until it runs to listen it. Did discover the steel plates were in the wrong order, assuming the Haynes manual is correct, the 1.5mm plate was fitted last, instead of being the third steel plate, please correct me (again) if I'm wrong.
If you wanted to try the open clutch sound, I could have saved you some money, you could have had the open cover that used to be on mine