I bought my Multi from a Honda main dealer, he openly admitted that he had bought it in to re-sell through an agent he regularly uses, and did it with a lot of his used bikes. Up until that point i presumed all his used bikes were ones that he had taken in as part-ex's, in retrospect pretty naive on my part, business is business and if you have a source of good used machines then why not? Couple of points... Regarding the red key it is important, for instance, there is currently a recall on keys, and the dealer cannot program your new replacement fob without the red key. My bike went in for a service end of last year and because i didnt take the red key with me at the time i need to take the bike back at some point to get the new key programmed. The snapping of the "flippy open" key is quite common, hence why a lot owners use a cut blank to open the seat and filler cap. Also, when you accidentally leave the cut blank key in the seat lock and ride off (yes it happens; i was warned by a fellow multi-rider and did then exactly the same myself) if it does fall out then its fairly cheap to replace. My flippy key stays firmly un-used (physically) on the inside pocket of my jacket due to the cut blank in an easy to access outer pocket. A quick search i have found this guy, not sure if its the same as i used as i've had my bike a while now... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/APRILIA-...649425&hash=item3678e7dc3e:g:4QYAAOSwZCxgbD77
Get a hold of the V5 & then check the frame no. Which is on the head stock, also machine dot stamped on right side of frame. Then check the engine no. which is on left hand side near the gear changer, this is also dot stamped at factory. If there is any doubt that any of the number don’t match, look like they may have been ground out & or over stamped contact the police. They’re very good at tampering & re-stamping the numbers & most people just check the registration no. On the back with the v5, which can take a few minutes to change. Good luck.
Great to read. At a minimum, your key blade should open both the seat and the fuel cap. The panniers can be dealt with later. Just some info and possibly an idea for you: When I purchased my brand new 2018 MTS 1260 PP, the red key was misplaced due to a sales staff management change. I was offered a choice of waiting for a red key of take a second FOB which they always have in stock with a blank blade but I had to paid $25 to get it cut. That was an easy decision.