Must be something to do with their manufacturing process perhaps. What I can say is both my 1199S and 1299s didn't suffer from the same issue and the dealers seems to think changing it will rectify my issues. We can but wait and see.
Nothing like a bit of ebay profiteering to end the weekend.... Looks like he's got the money to spare and make a quick buck judging by the hardware in the background.... Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
Shame that he maybe took it away from someone who was trying really hard to get the funds together and maybe his/her only chance of owning something like that. He might not make a profit but I should imagine he will. Is it actually No.1 or is it 1 of 500 made?? I'd want to see the number on the yoke in a picture at least. Stu.
Yes exactly what I was getting at.... If it was brand new a prospective buyer would have had options but not now... Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
Not number 1 - I thought that at first but he would have been clear if it was - just 1 of 500 He'll be expecting a profit - are they still only just filtering through as he states?
Ok then whats the red bag in the advert,i aint got one and feel hard done by ?,wonder if he can extend to 4 years with the warranty as its not registered ?
Conversley it may give somebody the chance to own one who missed it the first time round or circumstances didn't allow. Good on him, I don't know the geezer but I imagine this entrepreneurial flair has helped fund the hardware in the background. I hope he manages to bag a few squids & find a new owner happy to pay a slight premium. Win/win. I appreciate this may not be a popular viewpoint. Folk making a few quid generally isn't ..
It was stated, no harm in making a bit of profit,looks like he is going to make a healthy profit, yes 25k new.
Although, with a few Superleggerras out there for £40k, and a new R at £30k? this surely can't go any higher?!!
I've watched a lot of bikes over the years on EBay and never have I seen one rocket in the first day on the bidding with 9 days to go. If it was me looking at buying I would have contacted him to do a deal, or waited for the last 10 seconds before putting the max amount on I was prepared to pay. This looks like false bidding to me (if your on here - I'm right aren't I ) Any one else seen such bidding on anything over the years?