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New Ducati Service / Diagnostics Software & Adapter For Diy Servicing

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by mfurore, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Is this a pure home grown product? I ask because of the English used. For example Sidestand: Unfoled, what does that mean?
    I have no problem with the bluetooth version on my Android tablet, but do not have a Windows PC so I assume that I could not use this on any of the Linux machines that I have.
  2. One of the requirements we set early on with @UnknownProcess was to make sure that everything down to WinXP is compatible due to old laptops being used in garage. I personally use Old IBM thinkpad with Pentium running WinXP with Ducati service PDF on it for reference while working on bike.
  3. meant to be "Extended". There are 2 states for this section, folded and extended. The "Unfolded" is just bad wording on my side (English is not my native language)
  4. Well the raspberry pi boards can now run Windows 10 and one of those would make a perfect garage PC. Mine is also used for CCTV and streaming the Xbox when the wife wants to watch TV so it's got plenty of punch. I imagine if you are just interpreting and doing a red/write from the ECU, that the spec requirements are minuscule.
  5. The Version of Windows for the pi is built for running apps and is a stripped down version called IoT Core. Unfortunately it will not run normal applications. Keep your eye on ebuyer and Groupon as refurbished Windows Tablets crop up for £35. I have one running Win10 that runs diagnostic software via BT or via USB (using a micro USB adaptor).
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  6. Sounds like the answer to a maidens prayer... ;)
  7. I've had a play with a Gunston Co2 meter...Drove me flippin nuts!
    If this package can do all you say plus meter/adjust the co2 then i'm in!
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  8. Is it available for the 1198? Cheers
  9. Yes.
  10. Can you switch off exhaust flap valve with this tool ?
  11. sorry, not with the current version unfortunately.
  12. Very interesting... When do you think a version for the iPad might be ready?

    Cheers, Ian
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  13. Well, I guess that @UnknownProcess will have to pitch in with estimate for iPad version. He did some changes to the GUI of the software so it can be ported to Android and Linux platforms. For iOS, the coding IDE is free, but I will have to pay for the license (99USD) to be able to distribute apps for iPhones/iPads on apple store. This would also mean to come up with bluetooth version of PCB for mobile devices as hardware side of design would be naturaly different.

    It's hard to give estimate, as we (me and @uknownprocess) are essentialy working on this in our free time. I would say that timewise, we spend 2/3 of our time testing and 1/3 designing PCB/coding and everything else.

    The milestones that we want to achieve are chronologicaly in this order:

    0. Get the feedback back from the people that purchased "early bird" kits and see if there are any shortcomings / mistake or improvements to be made.

    1. M3C siemens/continental ECU for 696, 796, 1100 Monster, Hyperstrada etc..
    this thing is tough to access. Virtually no information on this online, ecu communication is non- OBD standard and does not follow any previous ducati ECU diagnostic codes. We are making steady, but slow progress. But I am certain that eventually we will have support for this ecu.

    2. ECU map flashing. Adapter/PCB supports this already, it is just the case of coding it and releasing it as an update to anyone who purchased this as a kit later on. Decision is hard on which ecu flash fileformats are going to be supported, we would like to support existing formats but don't get me started on commenting about proprietary file format ....

    3. Language packs: German, Czech, French, Russian. I need to research certain automotive terms in the respective languages to avoid "folded/unfolded" english faux-pax. Again, english is not my native language so there will be mistakes. If you spot any, please kindly let me know.

    4. Extensions: digital manometer for throttle bodies, digital oil pressure sensor, TPS diagnostic (would allow you to check if your TPS is worn), CO2/hydrocarbons sender. This is fairly trivial coding wise, more of a case of testing it on the bike itself and spend some quality time in garage. I have got all components for these at home, sitting on the shelf until this weekend.

    5. Porting to other software platforms: Linux, OSX, Android & iOS. My estimate that android version would be released first.

    I will update with ongoing progress and add some pictures over the weekend.
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  14. Excellent. Thanks a lot for the reply. Best of luck.

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  15. Outstanding effort!
    If you get this working on the Panigale, I'm in.

    I'm used to having software capable of this sort of thing on the cars, with VCDS for VAG Group cars.
    I also have Dealer Tool for my Triumph.
    But so far, something for my Ducati has left me stumped. This looks ideal :)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Awesome work. I need to get an older Ducati to use this stuff!
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  17. If you've got any left, can I have one please
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  18. I would be interested for the 748-9** series of bikes but I would like an exhaust CO2 add on.
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  19. I'd like to express an interest in one of these for my 999 please.
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  20. Ok,

    so a little update on how things progress over the weekend 12/14 March.

    From hardware side, I have finally managed to attach o2 wideband sensor to my termignoni exhaust (I needed to fabricate M18 -> M10 adapter to fit sensor to the my exhaust as the lambda sensor thread is wider than the plug on exhaust). I have also realized that I run quite lean below <5000 RPM and there is a huge difference between exhaust pipes and might need to look into this. My valve clearances are due anyway so probably would remap ECU and adjust valves over some weekend. I am going to send 10 adapters to be fabricated from brass or mild steel and purchase/assemble wideband sensor extensions. Although the coding and prototype is ready, this will take at least a month to be released for purchase as I need to get these adapters cut on CNC.

    From software side, we have finally managed to get inside M3C ECU and establish communication and pull out first values. We have siemens/continental ECU from Monster 796 to play with.


    This is a great step forward and rest of the things will progress much more quicker now. Some info is coming directly from ECU and some info is accessed through dash/speedometer (that we don't have, so need to source that soon). Features such as sensor values, error codes & error clearing + powertrain elements testing will be added first and after sourcing dash we will also be able to display RPM, speed and other speedometer info. Some of the available functionality is protected by ECU code that is given as a seed and needs to be unlocked, but more on this later. As I mentioned in my previous posts, the M3C ecu is a bitch to access.
    Development on this will take at least a month to get all functionality on this and I will trickle progress over following weeks.

    Over the next week we will issue first update with some extra functionality to 15M/16M users that we missed out earlier along with German language pack, as this was surprisingly a lot in demand. All of this will be of course distributed to anyone that purchased kit to this date.

    As with many things, not everything is goes great every time and I have manage to mix up software with supplied kit' versions. I have send ChrisW and Daren the wrong software version on DVDs... I would like to thank ChrisW and Daren for getting back to me over the weekend over the phone and helping me to resolve the issue.

    I spoke with @UnknownProcess over the weekend and he has confirmed that porting on Android and Apple devices is possible and will be worked on. But this will be very likely looked at after 2-3 months due to priorities mentioned above . As mentioned previously, the android version will be ported first.

    On other notes, just to show "behind the scenes" , here is the summary of how we progressed while prototyping:


    and quick overlook of what is actually on the kit's PCB in terms of functionality:

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