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New Ducati Service / Diagnostics Software & Adapter For Diy Servicing

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by mfurore, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. This is a con, and the guy who is behind this is: Roman Novak, Farnham. After a bit of research as he will not answer his various phone numbers or email, he works for "Circle creative" based in Farnham. I found this out Friday, called them who put me through to him, only for him to spin a story.
    So I think a visit is in order.
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  2. What was the story he gave u ?
  3. A raccoon came and stole all the code

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  4. He told me he had sent it and would email me the tracking number, what I surprise I never received anything. The only way to contact him is at his work number, and I will continuously call and no doubt end up going to his work...
    I've found out he is also on Facebook page: Ducati's for sale and wanted, also on Facebook as a profile all of which I've contacted
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  5. Good man, don't let him get away with it.

    The internet makes it far too easy for people to get away with this type of thing. It's not often you get a chance to go face to face with these type of crooks.

    Keep us updated please. :upyeah:
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  6. New here, just created this account to post in this thread. I check this thread at home every few weeks to see the status of the software because I'm hoping to use it to get rid of the immobilizer on my s2r. I see a lot of people are having problems getting their order. I got mine a few weeks ago, which I can post pics of when I get off work tonight. I never received a tracking number or anything, just showed up in my mail box one day, lol. So I'm bummed to read what's happening. Really hoping nothing horrible happened, b/c if I'm remembering correctly, it's just him and one other guy working on this right? Hopefully he's just too busy at his day job, but I don't know. Hopefully someone can get an answer.
  7. I got mine in the early days. The first I received was faulty and I had regular e mail correspondence. From that he identified an error in the firmware. He sent me a replacement which does work, took a couple of weeks but everything was OK.
    I just wonder if he may be in a legal battle with the Frenchman-although that doesn't stop him returning payments till its sorted
  8. Seems such a shame if this has all gone bad.
    The guys behind this seemed genuine at first and some pretty switched on people on here were really impressed with the potential of this diagnostic tool.
  9. You have received your dash back already and has indeed confirmed this via sms message. After a 2 weeks of constant calling and me chasing post office while on holiday, you casually send sms that you got it when you have visited the delivey place based on paypal address on your account.
    This is the story people do not see and it is easy to jump into conclusions.
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  10. Sorry guys for setbacks and delays.
    I just have been terrible busy with my personal life and simply did not had time in recent weeks to do barely anything. As mentioned earlier, both of us do this on spare time basis.
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  11. JP never contacted me about copyright infringement and quite frankly he does not have a case here at all.
    We have done independent work and I would like to stress that no part of his software is in our code. We even use a very different programming language and done coding from scratch. Our modules do not work with jpdiag software, it is simply impossible on hardware side in our kit and never will be. Same applies for software, you cannot use off the shelf ELM327 clones to work with it. We have proprietary firmware on the chip and use custom OBD2 stack that randomprocess has developed to connect with ECU. None of it is implemented in JPDiag so where is the copyright infrigement?
  12. Honestly
    no one stole any code. Stop trashtalking, open both software apps, see the content/structure and do your homework.
    Then we can talk.
  13. I was implying a racoon came and stole all YOUR code... hence the silence. 'Twas a joke :wink:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Roman I hope your return is a sign of this making some progress as I genuinely do like the product. I do recognise this is a fledgling business and part time etc, however I do think you have been the architect of some of the criticism received. I know you have received my pm's and read them, yet not even a "sorry too busy" or even an automated out of office type reply on your email etc. When you leave people hanging, they will try and fill in the gaps but a simple post to say sorry I'm up to my eyeballs and will be back soon would have sorted it.
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  15. Have to agree with that.
    People will be very forgiving and patient if they know what is happening.
    Leave them in a silent vacuum though and they will begin to think the worst and jump to conclusions.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Or was it this that prompted a reply?

    The OP has been logging into this site while not replying to this thread. I was going to order a unit, but'll wait to see how this all pans out now and if the OP is true to his word.
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  17. Of course I log in from time to time when I research something to fix on my bike. This thread is not the only thing why I am here.
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  18. I never said this thread was the only reason you are here, just that you had logged in but not replied to some people's concerns on this thread.

    Hence why I said I'll watch developments with interest. People's trust of you is now the main talking point of this thread, not the diagnostic package you have developed, which is disapointing as it looks promising.

    I myself called you "a crook" earlier in the thread based on the experience of others with you. I hope very much that you prove myself and others wrong. Actions speak louder than words.
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  19. Hi Roman,

    I'm so glad to see you posting and addressing some of the concerns expressed here.

    I hope you prove them all wrong...not because I've got any grievance with anyone, but because I've used many ecu diagnostic and programming tools on various cars and bikes in the past but have been particularly impressed by the work in progress on your hardware and software package that you have began to develope.

    I only hope you do manage to find the time to fully develope the package to its potential and support your customers. As we discussed after my original order with you, comms bringing bad news is better, than no comms at all. I think someone here has also said something similar.

    Good luck with this project / hobby and I hope the guys on here give you a chance to prove your hardware and software package to them.

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  20. Hi Roman
    All I wanted some news and a response, of which I got neither. I lent you my 1199 dash so that you and your brother could progress with development of the tool, that was back in March. Finally it arrived Monday, but I still do not have the diagnostic kit? I personally text you, to thank you for my dash being returned and that letting people know on this forum what is going on would be helpful. We all understand delays happen its part of development. some news and not ignoring people go's a long way.
    Please advise me when my diagnostic kit will arrive.
    Thank you
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